Over the last year my Council have implemented a large variety of 20mph speed limits in residential areas. In my own street, it would be difficult to reach 15mph but they still went ahead with the signage, markings etc.
However I have just read a report in my local paper re the Council's finances and there is a tiny comment under proposed savings that implies a saving of over £200k for not having to grit 20mph limit roads.
Am I smelling a big rat here? Are there legal rules of what roads needs to be gritted and what doesn't?
In my area gritting routes are prioritised, the hill up to the hospital A&E is always first and frequently done. My residential road nearby has half its length gritted early to give access to a rail station, the other half is done eventually. We are about to be 20mph'ed and speed bumped, a waste of money, the road was designed with short lines of sight, and is is a distorted horseshoe shape so doesn't go anywhere. I will check the councils intentions!
Ours is 20mph (and appreciated as nobody races down anymore) but come to think of it... never treated with grit anymore.
It has been like an icerink and need careful driving... I can live with that for a few weeks of the year though.
No mention of 20mph areas by my council, yet! Looks like I am priority 4.
Edited by Old Navy on 11/11/2009 at 19:18
The outcome of this case could have some bearing on the decision to grit in the future.
The outcome of this case could have some bearing on the decision to grit in the future.
I thought control of a vehicle was always the drivers responsibility regardless of the road or weather conditions.
It is Old Navy, but sadly we now live in a country where we can blame someone else for our inability to control the vehicle and make money.
>>> The outcome of this case could have some bearing on the decision to grit in the future. <<<
The problem here is that snow fell on previously 'gritted' roads and promptly froze (like it does) so I think the court case will fail.
Is it joined up thinking to wonder why the gritters don't actually use a mixture of grit & rock salt, or do they in some area's?
For what it's worth ......... www.ha-research.gov.uk/projects/index.php?id=1212
I live on a hill - it gets steeper past my house and in winters past proved very tricky.
The best cure for icy roads / snow covered road was to have a local councillor / minister live near the top.
This always proved effective - councillors always result in the street being salted and headlines in the local rag such as "burial cancelled due to minister being snow bound" ensure the same effect.
We live on a fairly steep hill in a cul-de-sac of only 18 houses. Local council grits the road we connect to - because it's a bus route (only 2 buses a day!). Our road usually gets done about 3 or 4 days into the freeze.
We have asked for a grit bit every year for the past 10+ years and never get one. Council says - you are not a priority. The crunch came when an ambulance taking a 999 heart attack patient couldn't get back up the street - guy with a 4x4 (and a few of us with shovels full of earth from the gardens and sand out the kids sand-pits) had to help get it out.
So a few of us go out in the CRV (the one time its 4x4 comes in handy!) and go up to the local council depot with lots of heavy duty plastic bags and fill up there.
We take it in turns to grit the street now.
But funny how the street round the corned - not on a hill - gets gritted. Wonder if its because one of the council bosses lives there?????
We take it in turns to grit the street now.
A Health& Safety rep will be along in a moment to tell you you are not allowed to grit roads yourself because of the danger of slipping over, straining your back, or being sued by someone who crashed because you had not done the job properly.
Why did the ambulance driver not acess this risk before he turned in
they could have carried the stretcher/ is it not on wheels? therefore pushed up to the ambulance