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95 3.0 mystery light - hornetuk
a light has appeared on my dash board and I don't know what it is for as I don't have a handbook for this car. it appears at the bottom left of the dash and it looks like a container with a removable lid but the lid is in place and there is a wiggly line about half way down to indicate a fluid level, and what looks like a drip underneath it. now I'm sure it is telling me I have fluid level low, but which one, as I have checked each one and topped up any that were low, but light persists. thought I better add the car is an auto, and this is for a friend so I don't know the year of reg. please help . Geoff
95 3.0 mystery light - elekie&a/c doctor
It may indicate that the fuel filter needs replacing.I would guess this is a diesel engine model.hth
95 3.0 mystery light - gordonbennet
He's probably right as usual, though IIRC these do have a water sensor in the filter too with it's own light, my Landcruiser of similar vintage had the same.

They also have a blocked air filter warning light, as well as the usual low coolant warning.

Edited by gordonbennet on 10/11/2009 at 14:08