hello, just found this site...looks good
i'm 18 and looking to buy my first car. i'm looking at spending under £2000. and i am liking an escort at the moment.
are there are problems, items i should look out for when buying the car? anyting specific to the escort?
cheers for any advice
You should get a decent one for that sort of cash.
I think they're a great car (I may be a little biased :), prehaps not the best in their class, but then the Escort looks nicer than most IMO and is easier to maintain and run. The 1.6 engines are pretty rapid when they get going and still give a decent fuel economy. Make sure you get an LX spec or above, anything below that tends to be a bit basic...
The only thing I can suggest is to get a Parkers car check before buying, they cost a few quid and give you details of the model and all the specific points to watch out for on the Escort, it saved me from buying a bad'un.
I have a J reg 1.8D. It drives OK, but when you start to look underneath.... It took a whole day to reweld in 50% of the bulkhead - about 1/2 sq metre. Look around the rear 'chassis rails' as they start to go up and over the rear axle - No undercoat + No drainholes = rust. After various German/French cars, this is about as bad as the old Fiestas that kept me employed with a bad back welding inner wings.
I would give it 2/10.
My best recent car was a D reg VW Passat. Looked like a dog, but cost me next to nothing from 90 to 180k - now serving time as a motorbike jump for the kids!
You really can do a lot better than an Escort
thanks for your info, buying a parkers tomorrow then!
what cars would you look at then? (Brooky)
needing help
You might find a copy of HJ's (yes the man himself) "How to buy and sell a used car" useful. Obtainable free by phoning
0800 052 2098.
Also have a look at the HJ car-by-car breakdown on this site. I am sure HJ's book will cover all the points but in case you are straining at the bit (I was 18 a long time ago) I'll give you a couple of tips.
1. When phoning in response to what looks like a private classified ad always say: "I'm phoning about the car". This will help weed out some traders posing as private sellers if the response is "Which car".
2. Do an on-line HPI screening check. You can do an HPI filter check for up to 3 registrations for £19.95. If you like the car you can later upgrade to a full HPI check
3. I expect funds are limited so you won't be able to afford a full independent inspection so ask the owner if he is willing for an independent garage of your choice to inspect the car at your expense.
4. Trust your instinct if it doesn't feel right walk away. People with something to hide can give out non-verbal signals which your subconcious will pick-up. There are plenty of cars out there.
5. Don't view a car in no-mans land. Cars viewed in a pub car park etc. are often "moody".
6. Ask to see all paperwork. Walk away if this isn't forthcoming.
7. Good luck!
For the same sort of money the Vauxhall Astra is a better bet. It was always better than the front-wheel drive Escorts. The engines/gearboxes particularly were better by Vauxhall than Ford. The one exception was the RS Cosworth Escort but that's a bit high on insurance for an 18 year old, and isn't really an Escort, its a 4x4 Sierra Cosworth with an Escort body on top.
may be of some use, buying a Escort will certainly introduced you to the world of car repairs.
Not if you buy a decent one and choose carefully, my mate's K reg needed only minor welding at the rear where it had been involved in an accident. otherwise, the chassis was solid.
TCW - By the way, I didn't mean the car price guide thing, I mean they actually do a specific car check review of the model, as Jud has said, have a look at their website, you can buy them on there...