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Annoying Wire - Dogbreath
A post-factory phone job was done on my car by the previous owner. A wire runs along the top (inside) of the rear window. It tucks into a gully but keeps falling down leaving a bowed wire across half the window. This is a silly point I know but I can find anything to hold it up - I don't want to cover it with gaffer tape as that would look awful but because of the gully I am finding it tricky to fix it with anything. Any ideas?
Annoying Wire - SjB {P}
Cut it in two places, extend, and re-route!
It's the only way. ;-)

Yes, I am the person who ripped up the lounge floor on moving in to do a proper job of hiding every single power, co-ax, and speaker cable underneath it, and trimmed every hifi component inteconnect to the exact length needed, to remove spaghetti junction.

Annoying Wire - El Dingo
To SjB,

I sympathise. My cables all run in the gap behind the coving and/or above the ceiling.

Shall we start a club?

El Dingo (Martin).
Annoying Wire - John Davis
My aftermarket alarm/isolator system was fitted a couple of years ago by a professional Co. A wire runs, inside, across the the top of the windscreen and it can only be seen by careful scrutiny. It seems that the installers have used a very small, neat type of clip. It might be worth calling at one of these Companies to see if they would sell you one or two of the clips.
Annoying Wire - svpworld
try one of those double sided foam pads, fold a large one over the cable or stick two of them either side as a sandwich - then stick inside as far as you can. Another option is to get a straightened coat hanger and see if you can poke the wire in a bit more! (if you also attacht the stick pads, it shouldnt pop out again)


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Annoying Wire - jud
Try superglue direct to the wire very small amounts ever 6", get someone to hold the wire for you, the glue i use grabs straight away
Annoying Wire - Onetap
A blob of Blutac, to hold the wire in the gutter?
Annoying Wire - Ian (Cape Town)
Not a wise move.
Blutac (we call it prestik) leaves a greasy stain with time, and also loses it's grip (and smells horrid!) when heated, as it invariably will when there is sunshine heating up the car.
Annoying Wire - svpworld
small pieces of foam usually work well, you can wedge them in most places....

SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Annoying Wire - Andrew Hamilton
Silicon rubber sticks things down well after curing and is transparent. Also easily pealed off if you need to.
Annoying Wire - Simon
I assume that you do actually use the 'post factory phone job' equipment that the previous owner had installed. If not why don't you just cut the wire off and do away with it completely. No more wire, no more problem.