Im not certain if Im correct but do local authorities have responsibility for resurfacing local B roads?
There is a stretch of road some half a mile long and no more than that which is being re surfaced near me. It is a typical B class road with 2 lanes so isnt more than about 3 cars wide. Yet incredibly, the work on it has been going on for 8 weeks and is scheduled to complete in another 3. I think that is a conservative estimate judgingby what they have done so far!
I've seen contractors resurface a 5 mile stretch on the M6 quicker than these guys are doing. Its an absolute joke not to mention the disruption because they've also made it a one way road while the work is ongoing.
Motorways - D of T
Trunk Road/Class - D of T with County Council as agents.
Rest - County Council.
Are the contractors Murphy's bouyo's? If so hasn't it been the Galway races/Oyster festival so there are bound to be a few absconders depleting the work force. Also shortage of tarmacadam as Bush has cornered the market to build his road to Baghdad.
Only 8 weeks? That is quick in Welsh terms. I know several roads near Carmarthen and Newcastle Emlyn that have permanent roadworks. First they patch the surface, then some other undertaker digs trenches, then they resurface it, then an apparently entirely separate section of the council dealing with kerbs and drains comes along, then it is time to dig some more trenches, then it all needs patching again, then it is time to resurface it again.
There is a bridge near us that was washed away 2 years ago. It is now going to take 3 months to rebuild. Yet advancing allied forces in Germany built bridges over major rivers in hours.
Still, it's nice here. It's called a slower pace of life.
Some 18 months (or was it 30) ago, the wall of a building in Islington showed signs of collapsing onto a main road.
The road was closed, scaffolding which protruded half way across the road was erected and the road was reopened with reduced width.
That's how it still is.
It took a week or so to rebuild the collapsed elevated freeways in Los Angeles after the 1994 earthquake. It took two years in San Francisco. So it's not just Wales.