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01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - gasoil
The gear selector on my 3.2did shogun has become a bit stiff overnight, any ideas? or info regarding the linkage or is it a cable? thanx for any info

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 16/03/2009 at 19:12

01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - Chinleyman

Just had the same problem, everything fine when car last driven got in and selector is stiff when moving from P to D, when moved across to change up and down manually the movement is 'as normal', transfering back across gate to D-P selector stiff .

Did you establish what the problem was?

01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - NobbyB

Hi Chinleyman, did you get yours sorted? I have one which is doing the same as yours? It was fine yesterday, today its really stiff to select a gear and infact onlt reverse works? If I select D, D and N are displayed on the dash indicator?? What's happened? :( Thanks, N

01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - newfie dave
Hi Nobby,
Did you get to bottom of your problem? As our 07 3.2did has developed a similar fault today, it jumps from D to D+N as we're travelling along the road, but by selecting N then back to D it resolves the issue for a short time, we have had issue with stiff gear selector in past, but local garage fixed it by loosening the pivot and lubricating, then adjusted it and been fine til now. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks D
01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - Joe Heaven

2005 Shogun Sport 3.0V6 Auto:

I have similar issue with my Shogun, D&N Simultaneously lit on dash when stick is in D. This actually equates to N tho and you have to balance stick between 3 & D to get D lit (and actually selected) on its own!? Hoping this is just a cable replacement? Did anyone find out??

Edited by Joe Heaven on 19/11/2016 at 12:06

01 3.2 did - Auto gearbox selector - Joe Heaven

Shogun 3.0V6 Warrior Sport 2005 with exactly the same problem. Appears the cable has limited adjustment underneat on the gearbox but is adjusted as far as slot allows. I'm hoping this is a simple fix and nobody has bothered to reply because it is but did anyone have any joy sorting this out in the end????