I need some advice on which model of E-Class to order. I am going for diesel and want plenty of power but I am not sure which engine to go for.
My choices are a 270cdi or a 320cdi.
The 270 seems quite pokey and works out quite a bit cheaper than the 320 but does anyone think it is worth paying the extra for the 320.
Also I need to know if the air-matic suspension is worth the extra expense or not.
I personally believ that the car is better with the bigger engine as it wil not need to drop gears as often anf there should be less startin on the engine. The air-matic suspension sounds like it is worth it especially if ride quality is important to you
Nice position to be in, Marcos!
Just to be awkward, I'm going to totally contradict Edd's suggestions!
There will be little or no difference in resale value (in percentage terms).
I would stake money on the fact that it would be difficult to tell the difference between the two cars on-road, in real-world acceleration.
As for the air-matic suspension, I have read that it makes little or no difference, and costs an absolute packet. Try before you buy, I think. The money you save by going for a E270CDi might be enough to get you the air-matic suspension?
Also - avoid the 'active support' seats. They're rubbish, and can't keep up with a string of opposing corners. Pure Mercedes-Benz gimmick.
Thanks for the advice.
My main problemis that I would like to upgrade the wheels but in the pricel list is says that to do this I must have either the sports suspension fitted or the Air-matic. Unfortunately the sports suspension is very hard and the roads in this country seem to be getting worse so that seems a bad idea.
Do you know of any reason why I have to change from the standard suspension if I have the wider wheels?