A post office clerk who led a lavish life by stealing £40,000 through benefits books has been jailed for six months.
Agnes Graham, 57, began to attract attention when she began arriving for her one-day-a-week job in a leased £32,000 Jaguar.
I say this with my tongue (firmly) in my cheek.
When sentencing is looked upon as "whatever was stolen X length of sentence = income per annum", she was on about £80,000 per year...
Not a bad income by any means. Who said crime does not pay?
I'm off now to start a new career and will gladly "pay back my debt to society" if caught.
John R
Reminds me of the guy who parked his pickup, went into Bank of America and wrote "this is a stickup, give me orl yor munny" (had to Alabama/Arkansas I guess) on a paying in-slip. While waiting in line, he got worried someone might have seen him on camera, so he went out and walked into Wells Fargo bank across the street, went up to the teller and presented his note.
"Sorry" she said, "we can't accept this. This is not a Wells Fargo slip. You'll have to use one of our deposit slips. While he was dutifully re-writing this threat, the teller called the police.
Meanwhile his pickup truck outside in the street had been clamped for illegal parking..........
Reminds me of my crazy friend. Often he would get one of the girls in the office to take the weekends takings to the bank after a computer show, which included cash and cheques. Anyway thinking it was funny he wrote in pencil on the back of one of the cheques "This is a stick up". Fortunately the cashier didn't take it to seriously and handed it back to her, needless to say she went beserk on returning to the office!
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)