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JD Power Survey significance - Obsolete
(Sorry if this has been discussed before but I couldn't find the thread.)

Is the JD Power survey meaningful?

In my opionion there are real problems with the survey:

1) Not model specific. Some cars are known to have duff variants e.g. unreliable auto gearboxes. The ride and handling will vary between variants.
2) Takes into account how much the owner likes the appearance. For goodness sake why did they buy it if they did not like it.
3) No sample size given. A wide spread on a small sample (10 cars) is statistically less significant that a wide spread on a large sample (1000 cars). Similarly a lot of bad results from a car with small sales is much more significant than a lot of bad results from a car with huge sales. (Assuming people with bad experiences are more likely to contribute.)
4) Only a statistical average is given. Is it not better to buy a car that is uniformly average than one that on average is the same but which has a large number of very good ones (50% say), and a large number of very bad ones (50% say).
5) Ride and handling: the results differ markedly from magazine reviews. How come?
6) The nature of the buyers is not considered. The Micra is known to appeal to women, old people and Asians. Doubtless the way these people judge a car is different from the way a typical VW Polo driver would.

I bought my first car (Micra) on the basis of the survey and my second (Ford Ka) on the basis of my preference. My experience (and that of magazine reviewers) is the opposite of JDP. The Ka significantly outclasses the Micra on ride and handling, and on appearance. The inside of the Micra looks downright nasty.

On the plus side, the build quality and quality of service are possibly of value.
JD Power Survey significance - Cyd
In the USA the new issue of a JDP survey is eagerly anticipated by buyers and feared by manufacturers. The effect of the survey can be seen in the sales figures about 2 months after issue. Of course, the participation rate is massive over there compared to here.

The R+H issue is not surprising. The mags here rate cars on how well (fast) they go round corners rather than comfort. The buying publics priorities are the other way round (mostly).
JD Power Survey significance - CM
I think that all car manufacturers should consider publicising the rating (although I know that this is only based on owners thoughts). Also I think that it should be law that all car manufacturers should publish what NCAP rating they got, and while they are at it maybe they should expand the scoring system from 5 stars to one with more (say 10 or 20) so that there would be a bigger difference between exceptionally safe and average cars.
JD Power Survey significance - The Watcher
I took part in the survey about 3 years ago with a Renault. Im amazed they could reach such concrete conclusions based on the questions asked.

They appeared almost banal and asked for a lot of 'impressions.' I don't know if the questions have been changed but having seen what was asked, I wouldn't put too much faith in the JD Powers survey anymore.
JD Power Survey significance - Obsolete
The Watcher.

Kind of confirms what I think, that the survey is useless, despite as others have said being very influential. Wonder if the results tally with other user surveys?