I have a Mazda Xedos 6 - 2.0 V6 Petrol - 65,000 miles. I have recently noticed that there is black smoke / black liquid coming out of the exhaust. It is apparent at idle and gets worse the harder you rev it. The inside of the exhaust pipe seems to coated with black soot as well.
The car tends to be driven hard (um, thrashed actually) and I noticed a burning smell the other day at about 6000rpm. Has been served regularly though at franchised dealer. No dodgy supermarket petrol used either.
Does anyone have ideas what this is, how it can be cured, and if there is a cheap way to do it?
Thanks, in anticipation.
For some reason it appears to be running very rich all the time-almost as tho' it's running starting enrichment the whole time-this has probably destroyed the catalyst as well.
Childish, abusive note removed. James_60, any more and your registration will stop working...Mark.
James Stephenson
Thanks for the first guy who posted.
As you Poster No. 2, you're going waaaaay off topic. And yes, supermarkets do buy from the big oil companies Exxon etc and their wholesalers, but they buy the cheapo reject petrol that doesn't get sold at the branded garages. :-)
If engine is always running rich, it should be guzzling fuel? A long time ago we had a Suzuki where this problem was caused by the automatic choke not getting warm because of a blocked circuit. Things have probably moved on, but is that possible?
I assume this is a Cat exhaust and injectors. This is bad news but it may be as simple as a failed oxygen probe in the exhaust system causing the open loop startup mixture to be defualt settings.
This can damage your Cat. Go to a tune up shop and get if fixed or loacte the sensor and check the resistance if it is open cct then there is your problem Good Luck Peter
Markymark & Toad,
I deleted your replies, amongst others. Nothing wrong with them, but I wanted to remove the conversation from Technical Matters.
No offense intended.