The front Firestone tyres on my 2001 Passat PD TDI 100 bhp are down to 2mm tread after 10,000 miles. Wear is uniform across the tread.
Garage comment is basically they all do that.
This is the worst tyre wear in 30 years of motoring.
Any comments?
If the geometry and (obviously) pressures are all ok then I would suggest that you try switching brands. I have found that Michelin tyres have generally provided better wear rates in the past on all my vehicles and have proved more cost effective in the long run.
Get back to us in another 10K miles!
I also have a TDI PD 2001 Passat. I wa OE fitted with Dunlop SP Sport 200e's . It comming up to 24k and the fronts are down to about 3mm of tread left. I think they will need replacing in the next 3/4 k and given it is an estate version I think these have been ok.
I will replace with the same if I can get a good price.
The rears are in even better shape.
as ever
FYI: 97R 110Tdi Sport: 3 front sets of Michelins lasted 27/28k each, 1 set lasted 22k (same tyres, same daily 120 mile commute...go figure!), current set of Primacy's look like lasting approx 20k (car now used for lot less motorway driving, more town and country lanes).
Thanks folks.
Will rotate tyres and get Michelins in due course.