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MercedesC220 - ricksheehan
I have an intermittent starting problem that cures itself within hours but keeps recurring. It could not be explained by a succession of mechanics. Please help, anyone!
MercedesC220 - Armitage Shanks {p}
1. Is it under new? Try rejecting it under Sale of Goods Act.

2. Is it under Warranty? Get them to fix it

3. Have you tried a good auto-electrician?

Good Luck whatever!
MercedesC220 - jud
Is the engine turning?
MercedesC220 - ricksheehan
Hi Jud
Yes the engine turns OK most times when the problem occurs but occasionally it fails to turn at all until the moment just before it eventually restarts.
Fuel line problems have been suggested by friends who know a bit about cars as also the immobiliser and my own stupidity!
Thanks for replying
MercedesC220 - Simon Templar

Rick E Mail me with your E/M address & I will put you in touch with requisite help.
Simon T.
MercedesC220 - Martyn [(ex) BR moderator]
Simon Templar wrote:

Rick E Mail me with your E/M address & I will
put you in touch with requisite help.

Simon, if you go to Rick\'s post and find his name written in red in the grey bar above his message, clicking on it will open his profile which contains his email address.

(By the way, that\'s very helpful of you, ST. Is there something which might be of benefit to all Back Room readers, or is it a private thing? If possible, it would be good to know.)
Martyn [Back Room moderator]
MercedesC220 - Martin Wall
Just a thought but it isn't the old problem where the car is parked for a while, you then move it a few feet and when you come to start it say 30 mins later it won't start?

(If it is this then HJ has covered this before...)
MercedesC220 - Dogbreath
The trouble is mercedes are c*** I will never buy another one and unlike Honda, BMW & Nissan I am always hearing stories about Mercedes that let you down (like mine).
MercedesC220 - Simon Templar

Martyn, I am familiar with the methodology thank you but Rick has chosen to preserve his privacy.
I have had links to other sites deleted here in the past, so I dont post them now, no problems, I enjoy HJ immensely thank you
Simon T.
MercedesC220 - Dizzy {P}

Please do you have any idea why, when I click on someone's name written in red in the grey box, I just get taken to the top of the current page and a message appears below saying: "error on page"?

Sorry to be off-topic but your note to Simon reminded me that I have this problem.
MercedesC220 - Mark (RLBS)
It takes you to the top of the current page, because it just does - for everyone.

If someone allows their profile to be seen, you should see it.

If not, it should say that their profile is not available, then you should see a message which simply says "This profile is not available to be displayed" or something like that.

If I turn off my Moderator stuff, then it does perform exactly like that for me.

If you are seeing "error on page", could you please e-mail me at the below address with operating system & browser details.


Mark (Brazil)
Moderator at Work

MercedesC220 - steve
I had a c220 new in 95. Had the same problem; quickly diagnosed as the connection to the fuel pump relay in the boot. Two points of doubtful connection
1. AT the relay itself
2. A connection in the wiring loom located near to the near side front door.

Once fixed the car ran for 90k miles without a murmur and never let me down.
MercedesC220 - Simon Templar

Steve*s post sounds very helpful indeed(& inexpensive)
Let us know if it does the trick, Rick
Simon T
MercedesC220 - ricksheehan
Thanks alot Steve especially (and all the other helpful emailers).
After testing the fuel pump relay at my suggestion the main dealers here tell me it IS faulty and a new unit @ £11.50 is the complete answer!
Time will tell, but in view of the advice offered in the backroom I'm fairly confident.
Happy days!
MercedesC220 - ricksheehan
Bad news
The main dealer called today to say that the car had just been pushed out of the workbay having failed to start at all after the new part had been fitted.
They're taking another look tomorrow
Watch this space
Rick Sheehan
MercedesC220 - steve
That is a shame, I thought my post had been of value. When I had the trouble with my fuel pump relay CONNECTION (not the relay itself)the mechanic came to the house and hooked his PC (of course his PC was telling him it was the relay itself) up to the diagnostics and within seconds had found the problem - so I was a bit surprised that the main dealer had not already done that and needed a prompt from you to check the relay.
I would still be suspicious of those two connection points, one at the relay itself and the other in the connection in the wiring loom near the passenger door (in the sill area).

By the way what year is the car?

MercedesC220 - ricksheehan
the car is L reg
It is now back from garage, with a new fuel pump relay fitted @ £11.60ish as previously mentioned and now also with something called a "crank position sensor" @ £86.00.
They charged for 1hrs labour @ &70.00 per hour although they actually spent 3 hours working on it - they said.
It's started every time since monday!
(though it is only wednesday and I still expect the worst every time I turn the key)
Thanks again for the advice as can't imagine what expensive dead ends they may have ventured up without it.
MercedesC220 - mercedesc220!
Rick, I am having the same problem that you are. Please write me back and let me know if they ever fixed you car. I have a 1995 C220 with an intermittent start problem, which no one in the mercedes garage can explain. Please write me back or call 423-878-3121

thanks eric
MercedesC220 - SjB {P}
Dizzy - and Mark Moderator - to save unnecessary effort, in case it helps:

Before spending time investigating 'Error on page' please check that a pop-up stopper, such as the product by that name from Panicware.com, is not installed and enabled.

If it is, I know from experience that this message may be given, rather than just the 'nothing happening' that you might expect.

To override, either switch the pop-up stopper off, or in the case of Panicware, hold the CTRL key down to manually override, at the same time as you select the hyperlink with the mouse.

MercedesC220 - Dizzy {P}
Steve, thanks for the note.

Pop-up Stopper was the cause of my problems. I did post a note about this (about three months ago), in Discussions I think, but you probably missed that. Worth repeating though, in case anyone else is baffled by the 'Error on Page' message when they click on a person's name to look at their profile.

I got rid of Pop-up Stopper but I still can't see most posters' profiles because they are too shy to tell us anything about themselves!