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Gearbox Oil Change - Dave E
Previously Honest John has recommended a change at first service. Based on this I booked my Mondeo II in for a first service last week and requested an oil change. Main dealer says the box is sealed for life. True or False?
Gearbox Oil Change - Cyd
Sounds highly unlikely. What he probably meant was that no oil change is specified by Ford and he didn't feel much like discussing the merits of whether to carry one out or not.

To "seal for life" any manufacturer would have to be VERY confident in the quality of the gaskets and drive shaft seals. Over time even a very small weep can reduce the level significantly and some means of checking and refilling would be required. The line on the DFMEA under oil leaks would make grim reading since the eventual result of this failure mode would be gearbox failure.

Try asking the dealer to show you the necessary orifaces and then DIY.
Gearbox Oil Change - jc
Ford do not drain the boxes;only top-up.
Gearbox Oil Change - John S

Few maker have specified gearbox oil changes. 'Sealed for life' = no drain plug, and it needs a bit of work to drain the box - eg. removing a cover plate or similar.

Don't know about current Ford boxes, but a few years back removing the reverse gear detent cover would give a pretty good drain.


John S
Gearbox Oil Change - Galaxy
You can buy an oil syringe to remove oil from gearboxes. Draper make one, and I bought mine from a place that sells things for boats. It will take up to 500ml of oil at a time.

So I was told in the shop, you need an oil syringe to change the engine oil on a boat; after all, you can hardly put a bowl underneath and unscrew the drain plug!
Gearbox Oil Change - Cyd
Checked under my bosses Mondeo - the 'box does have a drain plug. It's at the front. You'll need an 8mm hex (allen) key by the looks of it. Couldn't spot the fill plug, but I was on the floor in my suit!!

I'd find out what oil it takes then refill with a full synth. Check out the Red Line & Torco ranges at www.demon-tweeks.co.uk