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Volvo 740 oil - Peter
I know this subject has done the rounds and I've read Longhurst's oil bible but sensible comments will be apreciated.

I have recently been asked to take care of a 1989 Volvo 740 with the B200E engine, genuine 98K on the clock. Three owners, the middle one used it as a school bus on 5K/year. For the last oil change they used VW Synta 10/40 semi-synthetic. If I use fully synthetic oils will it be OK or am I best leaving it at semi-syn.The owners would like another 100K/13 yrs out of it. Ever optimistic but it is a sound car and worth keeping.

Many thanks

Volvo 740 oil - BrianH
As HJ says they dont handle well but they do maga miles.

I have the same B200E on open loop (ie non cat), same year.

The simplest and cheapest answer is say where you are, use semi-syntheic as it is a very low stressed engine. Change the oil before the winter and before the summer. ALWAYS use a Volvo filter. Check oil breathers regularly, as if they get blocked the back pressure from blow by can/will blow out oilseals. This will give you 200k in my opinion but you may have to fill the box sections, doors etc. with Waxoil.

However, I changed to 5/40 fully synthetic at 57k then 0/40 and at 125k 0/30. Received wisdom says if you leave the change too late this may destroy carbon oil seals which high mileage engine are said to build.

Oh and join the Volvo Club and read HJ's books.