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Maintenance 309 (short run) - dave18
I do up to 500 miles per week.
The car is a Peugeot 309 1.4i, 1993.
Manual says oil change every 6000 and a service every 12000. Half these for hard use, which includes 'frequent short journeys from cold, or door to door use.'
My mileage is from the following:
-College, 10 miles away on back roads
-Social, various journeys but never under 5 miles and sometimes will be a long-ish drive, maybe 60+ miles
-Pizza delivery - 2 nights a week, 70-100 miles in a night typically. Involves a mix of short and slightly longer journeys, but the engine doesn't cool down much except near the end of the night when business is quiet and I go on few deliveries. BY THE WAY I leave the engine running whilst delivering, say 2 minutes per delivery.

-Does this count as harsh use then? Should I change the oil at 3 or 4000 miles rather than 6000?

ALSO (sorry to go on) - I go to university in september. This will involve whatever small mileage I do there, probably very low, and a 350 mile round trip every so often to go home at a weekend. Wheh should I service it then? I'm guessing oil about 5000 or 6 months whichever first and service 10000/12 months

Sorry to ramble; just want to make sure I get the maintenance right. So far I've changed the cambelt and had an oil change. Last owner (contacted via V5 because I bought it from a trader) said it was 'serviced recently' but a full service will be in June. ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR I should replace/check at 76000?
Maintenance 309 (short run) - Clanger
Others will give you more details about servicing.

Please remember it is illegal to leave your car unattended on a public road with the engine running. It's also an invitation to theft and you may not be insured because in the insurer's view you may not have excercised your duty of care, i.e. you didn't look after the car well enough.