Now its time to change the cambelt; on a 309 1.4i, k reg. Best quotes around £80: is this fair? Halfords Southport say £87 before AA discount.
I've read about tensioners. What parts are Halfords likely to recommend changing?
And in the Car by Car breakdown HJ recommends changing 'cambelt end seals.' What are these and are they important?
The car's done 75k. Cheers
Just had a quote from KwikFit Hometune - only £85 ('only' because KF so expensive.)
Are they any good?
Does HJ mean the camshaft end seals?
These are the circular seals around the camshaft in the side of the cylinder head. Easy peasy to change for the camshaft, a bit more hassle for the crankshaft.
This sounds like a fair price. A place in Leicester will do my Rover Vitesse and Metro for £90 & £80 respectively. Rover dealer prices £147 & £132 resp.
As I understand it, its plastic tensioner pulleys that need changing with the belt.