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Coy's site - Tomo
If like me you like old fast cars you can't afford, try:-


Cheers, Tomo
Re: Coy's site - ian (cape town)
Now what did you go and do that for?
There's no way I'll finish all this work now...
Many thanks!
I'm off to drool!
Re: Coy's site - Dave
I need an attractive girl aged 22-27 who will pay 38 grand to frolic with me so I can buy this:

www.coys.co.uk/showroom.showstock.php?&view=icons&...1 [1]

If she want's to frolic a second time I shall be needing this for summer weekend use:


[1] If I'm honest I prefer cream.
Re: Coy's site - terryb
Drove an XK120 once, back in 1967, when I was sweet 17. Scared the living sh*te out of me then. Reckon I'd like another go though, wouldn't be so timid this time around.

Now where can I get £38k?

When you say you prefer cream, is that the colour of the car or something off-topic we'd be better off not knowing about??? :-)
Original? - Dave
Hmmm. After a second look there's not much original about now, is there!

The bugatti is *new* except for an engine block!!

Prescott Hill climb gonna be a bit dull now I know a brand new car can be described as a '37 Bugatti! It's like being told there's no Father Christmas!
Re: Original? - Tomo
Seeing the arguments in print about individual cars, especially racers, it seems a lot of them were not "original" even in their own era, what with complete rebuilds and sometimes complete substitutions!

I do take the point that some people are very particular about this, but for me if it looks like a 59, sounds like a 59 and goes (occasionally stops?) like a 59, it is a 59.

I am even prepared to give my address if that will bring about delivery!

Anyway, I'm very glad some have enjoyed the site. I feel I've done something right for once!

Cheers, Tomo
Re: Original? - David W
A couple of years ago I was involved in helping a contact find a classic racing machine from the 70s, budget up to £20K!

In those investigations it became obvious how many "versions" of the "same" machine there were. If you wanted to buy the "actual" outfit Joe Bloggs used the choice available once the cash was waved geartly amused me.

There was the one he did actually use, then there was the spare one, then there was the properly constructed, but unofficial, third one assembled from running spare components by the crew at the time and lastly the complete bogus made from similar base components and finished with fairings etc made from original moulds someone on the team had craftily saved in their shed.

A nightmare when so much money is at stake.

Re: Original? - ian (cape town)
Tomo wrote:
> it seems a lot of them were not "original"
> even in their own era, what with complete rebuilds and
> sometimes complete substitutions!

A few years back, on board HMS Victory, my brother asked "How much of the original is left from the days of Trafalgar?"
Wise old guide: "About as much as what was at Trafalgar of the original ship, sir..."

It's the old mop story - my mum has a great mop, and we have only had to replace the head twice, and the handle once...
Re: Original? - Ian Cook
Yep, just like tha axe in the Tower of london, that lopped of King Charles' head. It's completely original - it's just had two new heads and three new handles.

Re: Original? - Dave
Drove an XK120 once, back in 1967, when I was sweet 17. Scared the living sh*te out of me then. Reckon I'd like another go though, wouldn't be so timid this time around.

> Fixed Head or Roadster? Am I right in thinking that it would give *some* modern cars a run for their money? Were they all manual?

Now where can I get £38k?

> If every back room regular put 2.5k in the pot we could have one between us! I'm prepared to have it in my garage and be the registered keeper! In fact I'll even go and pick it up! All the regulars have to to is pop the cash in the post!

When you say you prefer cream, is that the colour of the car or something off-topic we'd be better off not knowing about??? :-)

> At my current success rate I've got more chance of getting 38k for an XK120 with cream paint than any other dairy product based activity! ;-) Although one might lead to the other!
Re: Original? - THe Growler
Can't help you with the 38k but one of my staff on www.bakithindi.com might provide the female element.
Re: Original? - Darcy Kitchin
Thanks for brightening up my evening.

And now, stand aside chaps, I'm having the Cord ...
Re: Original? - Dave
Dw - I've come to realise this!

I saw James Hunts GP car in a garage on the A275 (can't remember what it was). I've since seen other cars of the same type/team claiming to be his car for that season.
Re: Original? - John S

I think another source of 'James Hunt's or whoever's car' are the similar looking cars (spare cars, last years cars etc) dressed up in the correct decals to be lent out for displays at dealers and shows round the country. Saves disappointing the punters.


Re: www.bakithindi.com much better - CB
Cor once, I agree with Growler.

His www.bakithindi.com site is a treat.
Re: www.bakithindi.com much better - CB
specially the link to body paint contest.
Re: www.bakithindi.com much better - Double Decker
"Can't help you with the 38k but *one of my staff* on www.bakithindi.com might provide the female element"


Without wishing to be condemned as irreligious by the "Moderator of the Censorious Church" (who he?), but is this as in "My rod and staff me comfort still"?

If you can't help with the 38K, you've certainly done your best with the 38BB!