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Driven Tonight - Minis are Cool
Mini was the best of the lot
Re: Driven Tonight - Ian Cook
I agree with you, mac, but none of the 3 cars will do what I want of them - but then I'm not your average young petrolhead motorist.

I'm glad that the awful looking new Primera wasn't shown. I saw one on the M5 this afternoon (in white), and I can honestly say that I thought it looked hideous! Goodness only knows what the designer was smoking the day he penned that.

Re: Driven Tonight - Marcus

Beauty being in the eye of the beholder - below is a post from this forum a couple of months ago:-

I've not seen one yet but I like the dolphins advert.

Re: Driven Tonight - Ian Cook
I agree, Marcus, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The one eye sore was white, and I didn't think it was at all attractive. Maybe it looks a peach in other colours.

I think colour makes a lot of difference. When I bought the current Xantia (black, don't laugh) the main agents had four cars, and one was white. It looked cheap and nasty. The "facelift" front and the rear boot spoiler etc. looked all wrong.

Whites seem to be so garish these days - almost like the domestic appliance white spray cans you can buy from Halfords. It's a pity that the Old English White of yesteryear is not still around, or does Rover use a variant of it?

Re: Driven Tonight - John Davis
I am sure that the colour/shape etc is a very deciding factor in peoples view of the desirability, or otherwise, of passenger cars. Years ago, when the MK3 Cortina was around, in "Daytona Yellow" it really looked the business in many people's eyes but, a Sierra in yellow looked pretty awful. I supppose that, to the designers, the present day, very wide choice of shape and colour, is a bit of a nightmare so, perhaps, Henry Ford was right about his black cars.
Rainbows - Lee H <---Note the 'H'
You say tomato - I say tomato

I've gotta come to the defence of the Primera - I've seen a few around, including the estate and really like it. Modern looking and distinctive - I especially like the dash - it seems to be moving design forward

Ian's right about the colour - not much looks good in white, but I'm beginning to think that silver will soon look old fashioned - parked neatly in a line outside Deepdale last Sunday were 5 or silver Merc S classes, I guess belonging to the directors. Very dull.

As for Driven, I'm gutted that I missed it, but shopping called :-(

Does anyone know when the repeat is?

The photo gallery is yours!
why not mail some images to share?
Re: Rainbows - Honest John
Funny that Ian should have seen a Primera IV in white. Apparently the stylist got the idea from looking at parked cars covered in blown snow. I like the shape. At least it's different. And the dashboard arrangement works brilliantly.

Re: Rainbows - Ian Cook
HJ you've nailed it. When I saw this car it looked surreal. Personally, I didn't like it. Now you've described the "blown snow" concept its shape makes sense -but I still don't like it in white.

Re: Rainbows - Mahatma Coate
Trouble is when a car is a radical as the new Primera as many people will hate it as love it so it probably won't succeed. Me? I think it looks great but I hate the interior - and yes I have driven one.

You pays your money.
Re: Snow Joke - Double Decker
Ian - What colour of snow *do* you like .....?

Re: Snow Joke - Ian Cook
Oh, beer coloured will do nicely.

Re: Snow Joke - Double Decker

Only available in Australia I believe, at Rolf Harris's local, "The pub with s(no)w beer"!


New Primera - J Bonington Jagworth
I bet we get used to it soon enough - remember the fuss about the old Sierra?

I rather like the Primera, and it's nice to see big car makers going out on a limb. I like the Laguna, too, but I can hazard a guess which will be more reliable...