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The Back Room - smokie

Would it be possible to split this group into at least 2 different groups - back room and front room or something.

One for discussion regarding cars and technical issues and the other for legal and moral issues?

It's getting that you can't see the wood for the trees any more.
Re: The Back Room - Tom Shaw
Simple really, read the threads that interest you, ignore the ones that don't. What makes this site so fascinating is the wide variety of topics that are discussed. Technical quiries are interesting and very helpful and long may the expertise displayed by many backroomers be available to all, but motoring encompasses so much more than the nuts and bolts of cars.
Re: The Back Room - Mark (Brazil)

Watch this space.............
Re: The Back Room - Honestjohn in Malaysia
What Smokie asks is, as Mark Brazil avers, exactly what's about to happen.

Re: The Back Room - Tomo
Can you suggest a cause for a strange noise at exactly the ridiculous 70 mph slow limit?
Re: The Back Room - The Car Doctor
Is it a sort of "ranter-ranter-ranter" noise in time with road speed? I hear loads of folks complain about such things but rarely find there is a problem sufficient to create such a loud noise noise.

The Car Doctor
Re: The Back Room - RickyBoy
Is this a 'dummy spit'/reaction to the recent infiltration of the The Back Room by Luddites like myself or are you simply trying to be more pragmatic?

If so I'll confine myself to the Tap Room of the original virtual pub 'The Bottom of The Barrel' (www.bottomofthebarrel.co.uk).

Re: The Back Room - smokie
Some of the more emotive subjects (mainly to do with law/speeding) go on forever and however fast your connection (I use cable which is quick enough for most things) there is an awful lot of paging to find the stuff you want.

There are times, when I am less busy, when I would want to read (and poss contribute) to "rants". There are other times when I just want a quick motoring "fix".

There is nothing personal against anyone in the suggestion, although there is certainly a wide range of views expressed which on occassions have made me question my own view, which is good. Unlike some contributors, I realise occassionally that I am wrong...

Glad to see changes are in the air...
Re: The Back Room - The
RickyBoy wrote:
> Is this a 'dummy spit'/reaction to the recent infiltration of
> the The Back Room by Luddites like myself

You really are a new boy.

It's because they object to the yoghurt sandal knitters being given a fraction of the same kind of treatment that they give motorists. Not cricket, what.

Having said that the homicidal speeding maniac bully anarchists planet destroyers have themselves suggested seperate rooms.
Re: The Back Room - Dwight Van Driver
Ah so HJ. All now explained.

You have crossed the International Date Line so that's why your Forum date is one day behind.

Mine reads 16th April and which should be 17th.