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Magic fuel gauge - CymroArall
Driving my 18 month old Audi in very, very heavy rain on M4 yesterday, and before my very eyes the petrol gauge magically began moving from the one-third (correct) reading to show full. Flicked the computer to show number of miles left from tank's contents, and that was correspondingly increasing.

"Oh that this were true" I thought. [Actually, I muttered Welsh expletives as I felt a bill coming on.]

Trip recorder showed I'd done some 200+ miles since last filling the tank, so I knew I had about a third of a tank left. Pulled off motorway to fuel station. Turned off ignition (needle on fuel gauge swung to empty as normal. Turned on ignition - needle swung to full although the tank wasn't. Repeated twice. Same result. Put in fuel and went home.

What's the diagnosis? Duff sender? water affecting electrics? Duff gauge?
Re: Magic fuel gauge - CM
Perpetual motion?
Re: Magic fuel gauge - Double Decker
Magic mushrooms for breakfast? Well you *are* Welsh,aren't you?


Re: Magic fuel gauge - Ian Cook
I can't help feeling that this is connected with the story of a priest who ran out of petrol (I don't know if he was driving an Audi). He stopped 10 yards short of a garage, but they didn't have a petrol can.

All they could loan him was a gazunder (chamber pot, to you). He was putting a few pints of petrol in with the aid of this container when the local drunk staggered past.

"Now, that's what I call faith, Father" said he.

Re: Magic fuel gauge - Claire Voyant

Is this the same local drunk who staggered up to the chap with oily hands and in deep thought under the bonnet of his car.

Drunk "Wots up, mate?"
Driver "Piston broke."
Drunk "So am I..."

Sorry, could not resist adding a bad joke.

Re: Magic fuel gauge - Ian Cook

Be my guest - the old ones are always the best!

Re: The old ones are the best ones - Ronnie Courtney

You are so right - there was quite a good story in the Peterborough column in today's Daily Telegraph ***, about your part namsesake, Ian Duncan-Smith, during his army days. The only trouble is that I'm sure that I first heard the story before IDS even *joined* the Scots Guards!

old ones are the best ones PART 2! - ian (cape town)
My first car was a multi-handed 1969 Cortina Mk2.
The fuel gauge was so accurate that It woukd swing to the mark within seconds, and I could accurately gauge to the LITRE how much fuel it would take! (45 litre tank, BTW)
The Opel gives me a "sort-of" reading - sometimes it is on 1/4 full, yrt 30 litres "fills"it... according to the gauge!
Re: old ones are the best ones PART 2! - Mark (Brazil)
multi-handed ??

My first car was an Imp. No fuel guage, but I *knew* how far it would go - to the mile.

Oh the days of working out such things - how much gas EXACTLY required to get to my parents for a decent meal and a petrol donation. Many is the time I have put in petrol amounting to the loose change I could find down the back of the seats.
Re: old ones are the best ones PART 2! - Tony Capps
In the joke vein:

What's up mate?

Flat Battery.

What shape should it be then?
