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Yet Another Interesting Website... - Phil T
Following HJ's (and others) recommendation of Chris Longhurst's website, you might enjoy pointing your browsers at mad Australian Dr. Karl's site which can be found at www.abc.net.au/science/k2/trek/default.htm

IT's a bit more 'off the wall' than Chris Longhurst's stuff, but there are some interesting articles on oil, particularly oil coolers and loads of 4x4 stuff (more pertinent to those of us who plan to cross the Gibson desert than to a Saturday shop at Tesco though).
Re: Yet Another Interesting Website... - Simon Saxton

Chris Longhursts site? I missed that.Would someone be kind enough to repeat the link please?

Re: Yet Another Interesting Website... - Richard J
Try www.chris-longhurst.com/carbibles/index.html
Re: Yet Another Interesting Website... - steve paterson
Tried your site, interesting. The author mentions 'cooked' engines, this reminded me of a chap I met a few years ago. Every morning he wrapped a few rashers of bacon in tinfoil and placed them on his exhaust manifold, when he arrived at work 30 miles later - hot bacon sandwich.