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Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Flat in Fifth
Does anyone have a tape of last nights show that I could borrow or beg please.

Set the video up just didn't allow for one thing, kids watching flaming Steps video and not setting it all back correctly.

Thanks in advance,
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Jonathan
If your kids have got a video of Steps on fire. I would gladly buy it off you.
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - David W
Steps splitting.....a sad day for us all.

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - martin
Me too, can we see them toasted or flame-crilled?
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - David W

This was one of the best Driven shows so far, you'd have loved the snow bits. I watched the first 40mins then had to see the rest with the sound down due to a long phone call.

Taped the other side to watch then pass on to our mate overseas but sounds like it wasn't worth it.

Sorry I hadn't taped Driven now. Still there are always the real tapes of the 70s rallying.

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - David W

Ian Cook has it on tape.

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Ian Cook
Yes I have - and I've just watched it during a break in the housework (stop laughing, all of you). I agree with DW that it's the best Driven - ever!

How can they do a rubbish show like the Valentine issue and then produce the creme de la creme last night? If you read this, Mike Brewer, then show it to your production management team. Well done.

If anyone in S Glos wants to borrow it then please e-mail me and I won't get Jack the lad to copy it and I won't arrange to get it to you so that you can't watch it, beacause I might get done for infringement of copyright. Please work out the triple negatives for yourselves.


Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - JB
Driven is usually repeated lat on Tuesday night - Wednesday early morning. Set your video for that repeat and make sure you ban your children from the set this time!
Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - ian (cape town)
In fact, if the Steps video is "accidently" left in the machine when it is programmed for Driven, so much the better ...
Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - Flat in Fifth

If I taped over a Steps video I think I would have to join Mark "Biggsie" in Brazil!

Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - Rob S

I have recorded Driven from last night (unliken past weeks when I've forgotten and then been cursing like you) so if you are serious about wanting a copy e-mail me direct and I can post it to you! I won't get the message until later as I am at work at present - oh here comes the boss..........

Rob S
Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - David W
It is a technical impossibility to tape over a Steps video, those smiles will still show through.

Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - markymarkn
Steps have split up???

News to me...

Not that I am complaining.

Re: Driven repeats on Tues/Wed - Mark (Brazil)
What's a "Steps video" ?

Step aerobics ?
no .... - ian (cape town)
a crappy, manufactured pop group, who are so talentless they make Spice Girls look good ...

Re: no .... - Flat in Fifth
ian (cape town) wrote:
> a crappy, manufactured pop group, who are so talentless they
> make Spice Girls look good ...
> www.steptasticofficial.co.uk/

(opens closet, peeks nervously round door, gingerly emerges braced for onslaught)

errrrrrm not quite.

Been to concerts for both....... as driver/chaperone only you understand (he adds hastily)

Think its the other way round from Ian's Spice Girls/Steps.

Now if want to talk *real* musicians playing real music saw Steve Harley a while back. Man is still a genius.

(closes closet door quietly behind himself)
Re: no .... - Flat in Fifth
(opens closet door)

Oh yeah and another thing, heard the Spice Girls were going to regroup changing their name to The Freelanders ;-(

Re: no .... - ian (cape town)
come up and see me, make me smile ...
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Brill
>>"Now if want to talk *real* musicians playing real music saw Steve Harley a while back. Man is still a genius".<<

John Martyn anyone?

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Flat in Fifth
Thanks to everyone for offers of help and a thread that we managed to keep on topic from beginning to end.

Who are we kidding!

Rob S, thanks very much for your offer but the email address seems not to work. I'll investigate the taping the repeat option when I get the telly paper tomorrow and maybe I'll be back for the offer of that tape.

Depends upon how much I can put the frighteners on Jnr and her mates to keep hands off the video.

Mark (Brazil) doing anything for the next few days? I hear you and Vladimir have the elite ex KGB hit squad in the country for a while.

Thanks all,

PS Martin do you really mean that you want to toast Claire from Steps? I've never heard *it* called that before.
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Mark (Brazil)
Vladimir called in sick. His mum went instead. I figure it'll still be enough.

Actually, I am going to go up there. Not to do any harm, but I want to see if he is that or that he is pretending.

Sometimes I think one, sometimes the other. I wouldn't be that surprised with either.
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Jonathan

I watched Proof of Life last night (so on topic this one!)

Very good film, does it bear any resemblance to reality, assuming you have seen it?

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Mark (Brazil)
Not seen it, just watched a good trailer for it on Warner Bros. tho'
Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Vladimir Propopotsky

Mummy just called, her assistant Dr Rosa Klebb has forgotten to pack her shoes with the concealed blades.

Do you think she might find some on Yahoo auctions? Perhaps thunderskin could advise?

The flu is much better, thank you.

Re: Driven last night 28 Feb HELP! - Mark (Brazil)
you're right on the edge, aren't you ! I told you that the flu would stop your normal medication working. Dr. Klebb got rid of the shoes with the concealed blades ages ago, she uses the more modern approach of having them fixed in her bra.

Apparantly she uses a matching pair of battle swords - well that's what happens if you take steroids, I suppose.