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salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Salvage squad tonight - Mon 25
That engine had not been started for 20 years, clean the fuel filter and away it went.

reminded me of a Woody Allen film, where, in the 23rd century he finds an old VW beetle that has been stood for 300 years and it to starts first time - not even a flat battery.

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - John
so you've never had a VW..... ?

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - PE
The film was Sleeper. One of the best ever in my opinion (the futuristic house is in Colorado by the way). I have a MK4 Golf, a classy car with a puny 1.4 engine. For what it's worth go for a 1.6 or diesel folks. I nearly got an old cop car (volvo V70) as discussed last Cristmas eve and revived lately, but decided to stay faithful to VW. "Popes wife gives birth to twins" is the headline in the paper, in the VW, in the film. Cheers
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - James
To be fair, it was only 200 years... (pedants 'r' us)
The moment I remember was when they bring him round with chocolate fudge cake, and he protests that he only eats health food. "But this is health food..."
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Ian Cook
I thought that this particular programme was quite good. The subject matter was probably more within the team's capabilities.
With regard to old vehicles starting after several years, it never ceased to amaze me how farmers would always seem to start the most unlkely looking pile of scrap - with never a thought that it might not go. Where my late father-in-law worked there were a couple of old wartime Bedfords that were only ever used at harvest time. A fresh battery, and they always fired up!

After all, engines made in this era were relatively simple and undemanding (generally). They were meant to be fixed by a descendant of the village blacksmith.

I noticed that the Coventry Climax pump had a side valve engine. Now, I wonder if the team would have known how to get the valves out - or the head off. I remember Dad having difficulty with an old Standard - side valve engine, aluminium head well and truly corroded on. He resorted to removing the head nuts and starting the engine. That shifted it!

Perhaps I'd rather stick to the modern turbo diesel, though.

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Peter M
I enjoyed the programme,-quite realistic little 'sulk' from Axel! By the way, does anyone know where I can buy a green flying suit like the one Axel wore?- (had one for gliding some time ago but it was stolen.)
I remember in my student days being given an Austin Seven with copper wire sewn aluminium bodywork - it had been standing in someone's garden for about 20 years, and started after only an afternoon's work - took the head off, scraped the rings of rust from the bores, oiled it up, put petrol in a jamjar with gravity feed to the carburrettor, charged the battery and bump started it. Wonderfully simple motors..
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Flat in Fifth
Yes this weeks programme had the thumbs up from the unofficial continuity girls chez nous.

And didn't the "owner" come across as a nice guy. I guess the little spat with Axel was a result of time pressure. Plus nice way honour was restored. At no point did you want to chuck him in the cut like the Bristol and boat owners.

Looks like a Saracen restoration next week. Wanted a go in one of those things for years ever since watched them on Autopoint as a sprog.

Anyone else remember that programme. Basically point to point in cars. Army vs London motor club I recall. The Saracen just went point to point as the crow flies. Great fun. And well worth a reprise, hint hint in case anyone from the Beeb reads this.

I thought the way they used that scuttle plate was a bit obvious, could have been a bit more subtle about it.
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - David W

RE. SPs. They must have a whole batch to get rid of.

I did do a litle rivet counting last night and wondered why.....

She was fitting the windscreen rubber over a rusty flange and why they were posing about the body with emulsion brushes dipped in red paint when the end result looked sprayed.

Also starting that Climax engine with the corroded and split waterway plate made me think perhaps I am doing a proper job on the Land Rover after all.

PS. Some Land Rover images on Lee's HJ site very soon.

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Tomo
The real test would be for them to prepare a Freelander to run faultlessly across country?
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Ian Cook

I'm going to show my lack of knowledge about steam engines here and ask "what is a scuttle plate?"

I left it a while, hoping someone else would ask - but no biters!

Ian (not an anorak, honest)
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Flat in Fifth
Hmmm Ian, pity you'd not left the question alone for another 34 days.
Scuttle plates. - David W
Oh dear.

Re: Scuttle plates. - Ian Cook
Ah - so it's "let's wait for David Withers to tell us all", is it? Who knows - I may have a fortune in unused scuttles plates lying in my back garden, but I just don't know what they look like.

Tongue now out of cheek!

Re: Scuttle plates. - David W

Just count the rivet holes. There is a ready market for 52 hole scuttle plates but no-one wants the 46 hole version...they just don't fit anything any more.

Re: Scuttle plates. - Ian Cook
I've just checked out in the garden, David, and what I thought might be scuttle plates turned out to be Waffle Vanes - mind you, they are the automatic variety.


Re: Scuttle plates. - Brill
Ian, it's an anagram of "Cattle pelt us".

It's a Fen thing, one of DW's little hobbies.

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - j.cronin
Notice how clutch never seizes-brakes work perfectly-must be elves working in the middle of the night.
Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Flat in Fifth

Waffle vanes are cool, makes a change from eggs and bacon on the firemans special shovel, or have I misunderstood the design of the waffle vanes?

Re: salvage squad tonight - Mon 25/2 - Ian Cook
Flat in Fifth wrote:
> Ian,
> Waffle vanes are cool, makes a change from eggs and bacon on
> the firemans special shovel, or have I misunderstood the
> design of the waffle vanes?
> Stuart

No you haven't, Stuart - but you'll need to mount them upside down.
