I have an X reg 18K mondeo, on travelling slowly when turning and when going over slight deviations in the road, I hear a knocking noise from the front of the car. The vehicle has been back and forth to the dealership, and they state that thay cannot find anything wrong apart from it could be a power steering return pipe? Does anyone know of a similar problem ?
Steve wrote:
> I have an X reg 18K mondeo, on travelling slowly when turning
> and when going over slight deviations in the road, I hear a
> knocking noise from the front of the car. The vehicle has
> been back and forth to the dealership, and they state that
> thay cannot find anything wrong apart from it could be a
> power steering return pipe? Does anyone know of a similar
> problem ?
What Jonathan wrote makes sense. There was a bad batch of these. See car by car breakdown.
Based on bitter experience:
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Ford Mondeo!
Been to France lately?
Perhaps an illegal immigrant, whoops, refugee, hanging on under the bonnet?
My daughter privately bought an R reg. 1.4 Escort in Sept 01 (This has similar front suspension design to my X reg Mondeo) with 21k miles on the clock, which looked genuine judging by the carpets, pedals, engine bay and under body condition. Compared with my Wifes R reg escort (17k m.) the front shocks were soggy, but not an MOT fail and one of the wishbones creaked so she had new gasmatic shocks and both wishbones. Big improvement worth the £350, but then we noticed the same sort of knock you describe Steve. Took it back to the garage and they diagnosed play in the anti roll bar/strut linkage ball joints (revealed by new stiffer shocks), changed and knock cured.
The car came from an area with lots off speed humps, reckon that caused the premature wear and that the previous young lady drove it a bit hard (worn discs. pads nearly to the metal, £35 DIY replacement the lot).
Lesson noted I now drive my Mondeo over local speed humps in second at 15 mph max much to the annoyance of some other drivers, tough.
Incidently have you received Ford recall notice to replace Park Brake Lever, Mondeo/Cougar. At about X reg reported to drop down one click when door slammed, nasty. Local dealer took 20 min to do mine.
H.J., my X Mondeo (ex Eurofleet 10k m.) bought last June had new looking gaiters on CV joints.
There was a TSB no. 051/200 for build codes TS to XP, for the PAS return pipe, as you mentioned. The symptons are:- clonking noise from front axle during cornering manoeuvres with low speed driving on rough roads, it is possible that a water hammer effect in the pas preturn pipe is causing the noise. Replace with new pipe that is specifically designed to absorb the pressure peaks.