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Another planet - Alan

I was looking through the local paper yesterday and saw an ad for a D reg metro, Bodywork in need of attention no MOT or tax £150 ono. In the real world I am having to drive 12 miles to a breaker which will take my old Nova without charging me £25 for the privilege.
Re: Another planet - Moosh
If it wasn't a free ad. the advertiser is not living in the real world.
Re: Another planet - David W
I'm with you guys when I'm the buyer but....

I'm having a tidy up round here and looked at a 13yr old car we've had standing in the yard for 7months. Tax and MOT expired last year, it is green from damp inside and out.

Thought about how to shift it and decided to give it a go in the local free ads. Within half a day of the paper coming out a chap had popped round and given me £60 for it.

There's money in that there junk.

Re: Another planet - Alan
David, I bet it wasn't a metro.
Re: Another planet - David W
No but it was an old Citroen with over 200K recorded!

Re: Another planet - Vin
How many of the sodding things have you got, David?

Re: Another planet - Tim Allcott
Maybe that should have been sodden, rather than sodding...
What model David? unusual? attractive? Diesel?
Would agree that, at the right price, often able to sell, not throw away...
Sold 'C' plate Polo, no tax/M.O.T. for £50 recently, so it can be done, but local rag won't run free ads for cars, so they've cottoned on. If it's unusual enough, Yahoo auctions can be good.
Shifted BMW 7 that way.
Re: Another planet - David W

As Tim said we had one sodden one and then six rather drier vehicles (in the broadest sense of the word) in the yard and registered to us.......hence the need to have a sale.

The sodden one was an old BX TZD with monster miles but a sweet engine hence the fact it fetched money rather than costing money to have collected.

More Fen recycling.

Our Free Ads will still do private car ads but only for one week so the trick is to price them right on week one.

Re: Another planet - Alwyn

What do you think I should price our Volvo 340 1990, 1.7 GL at. 107,000 miles. Excellent interior, new cam belt and exhaust bits. MOT to September.

It has been on sale £350 for a few weeks now with no takers. Far too good to throw away. That would be criminal.

Free ads. Don't you chaps have "Quids In" or some such free ads. paper? We can advertise this car free of charge for ever if we wish.
Selling a cheap car. - David W

It's a real devil when you have something half decent but can't place it.

You might have noticed a couple of weeks back we were looking at a £500 - £1000 car for SWMBO. I did a huge amount of ringing round over a week and there was one thing that was very obvious. In that price range the only thing that was selling consistantly was a VW Golf. All other cars seemed to be sticking.

It might seem daft but there is more weight given to image and perceived street cred at that price range than I would have ever considered. The best selling car of them all under £1000 was the Golf Driver model that several of us have mentioned here as a good first/budget car. Perhaps they've all been reading the site!

In the end we bought the VW Polo version (sort of) of the Golf Driver (with tint glass, larger engine and some sporty bits) for about half the cost of a similar age/mileage/condition Golf.

Your Volvo is worth £350 to the right buyer. Frankly anyone who was interested would look at it for £350 because they know you'll drop a bit.

There is a very specific buyer who will appreciate your Volvo and you just need to get you car in front of them somehow. Have you tried those cards you put in the supermarkets on the way out? There is always a good trade in Volvos there round here.

Last resort is there anyone in your family/contacts/local area that deserves a decent little car. Nicer to let them have it at a bargain price than a complete stranger.

Good luck with it.

Re: Selling a cheap car. - Alwyn
Cheers David.

I tried to get my brother in law to have it for £200 but he said it was too big for him! A 340 too big?

I will suggest to my wife that she places a card in the local supermarket. Well worth a try.

Thanks again
Re: Another planet - John S

Worth £60 for the engine I expect. I once got a recon. Minor gearbox (and a host of other spares) that way. Sold of a number of items, but had to cut up the rusty wreck that held it. Took that to the local scrap dealer, in two runs, in the trailer.


