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What do points make? - Dave
A close relative picked up another three yesterday for 71 in a single carriageway NSL.

If he hadn't unloaded a few on another equally close relative he'd be one away from a ban now.

We can deduce that a careful 60 year old driver doing around 80k per year will get banned in any one three year period...

God help us you whipper snappers.
Re: What do points make? - ian (cape town)
the process of 'laying off' points has been discussed here before.
I'm not going to condemn or condone it this time, but *if* you get caught, it's perjury, and you could go inside.
Re: What do points make? - James
Having an illegible number plate is a much lesser offence...

Is there any news about the 'right to silence' issue? I gather this is up before the European Court about now.
Re: What do points make? - Dave
Ian. The police are not even remotely concerned about perjury. They want the 60 quid and a driving ticket. It makes no odds to them who's it is. I have first hand experience recently of a hit and run incident. Witnesses took his number. No action was taken beyond a standard letter asking him who was driving - no visit, nothing.

If they don't care about a guy who hits a pedestrian and leaves them for dead [1] they're hardly going to bother about perjury.

Remember, if you can't remember who was driving the law requires you to perjure yourself anyway.

James. Of course an illegible numberplate is the best solution. (And my prefered one - no points - sweet.)

[1] Luckily she was unconcious and seriously injured rather than dead
Re: Have you considered not - Matt Kelly
exceeding the speed limit by 11mph I wonder ?
You avoid points that way as well.
Re: Have you considered not - Dave
Nice one Matt "holier than thou" Kelly. ;-)

If you've exceeded the limit on more than 4 occasions in the last three years you need to maintain a voluntary year ban in order to maintain this high level of self righteousness!!! :-)
Re: Have you considered not - Dwight Van Driver

"Right of silence" issue under Roat Traffic still awaiting hearing before the European Court of Human Rights.

However do not get exited. A recent case involving a business matter where the State required by law certain information from an individual which meant self incrimination, was taken to the above Court. The outcome was that as there was a law demanding the information then there was no breach of the human right not to incriminate oneself.

Reported in The Times Law Supplement a fortnight ago. Meant to mention it but paper thrown out before I could do so.

Re: Have you considered not - richard turpin
Saw a Clio the other day with French number plates. On looking closer, it was a British number. (A123 ABC) Then noticed car was RHD.
Finally it clicked. They had had their plates made up in France but with a British number. Different size letters. Wonder if camera can read?