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Convoy - Tim Allcott
Travelling on M40 Southbound near Gaydon on Sunday a.m. around 10:00 was passed by about 15 vehicles at speed in lanes 2 and 3. all sporting magnetic blue lights and alternate flashing headlights (apart from the 'bike...) Interesting selcetion of vehicles ; Peugots, Vauxhalls, etc., and then, two minutes later by a Seat in same configuration (must have been a delay with the double sausage mcmuffin at the drive thru.)
i) It certainly gave the middle lane dawdlers a shock, and
ii) Local C.I.D. works outing?
anyone else see them?
Re: Convoy - John S

No, but on the M6 north of Lancaster on Friday I heard a police siren, and a standard looking Volvo estate swept passed in lane 3. The blue flashing lights were well disguised in front and rear screens.

Are there more Q cars about these days?


Re: Convoy - CM
There used to be a Porsche 968 on the M3. Plain white, no lights on top but with the day-glo stickers down the side. It used to sit on the hard shoulder waiting for people like me to increase speed when passing it laughing at it being "broken" down!
Re: Convoy - humpy
Passed an unmarked volvo v70 t5 on the a417, the one through cirencester, the other day. It was dark blue but what made it stand out was that all the back windows were smoked black. It actually stood out like a sore thumb from all the other cars because of it. Everyone was slowing down as they passed it!!
Re: Convoy - Brian
Our President and entourage?
Re: Convoy - Tony
UK police forces run just about any make/model you can think of and also all kinds of bikes.It is not very easy to always spot them,especially on the motorway.
Re: Convoy - Tim Allcott
Not unless he was on the motorbike (now there's a thought) no 'presidential' vehicles in the convoy : all fairly mid range saloons/hatches.
Re: Convoy - James
Perhaps it was a decoy. Saddam Hussein is said to send a posse of black Mercs in all directions when he's out and about, just to put would-be assassins off the scent. Not that I'm comparing our Great Leader with SH, of course...
Re: Convoy - ladas are slow
i remember when my family was on holiday in the lake district, it was about 1995, and we saw a convoy of three black american stretch limos speed past us, the front one had a strange type of flag in the front wing flag holder, we never found out who they were.

(to give you an idea of the speed they were going, the road was a 50 zone, and the limos must have been doing 70)
Re: Convoy - Matt Riddles
In Sussex our cops appear to have a couple of sleek dark coloured Audi A6/A8's with stick on wire out the window blue lights.

So far I have only ever seen these driving very fast in 30-40mph limits, or thrown onto kerbs and partially blocking dual carriageways (in rush hour).
Re: Convoy - CM
If you ever go down the A31 from Guidford to Winchester, quite often a convoy of 2/3 cars going 100mph+. Un-marked coppers going from one head office to another (knowing that they can get off speeding!!!)
One for the People! - ian (cape town)
Our President, Thabo Mbeki, was involved in a shunt the other day, when one of his security vehicles crunched his presidential 4x4 on the motorway.
Made a bit of a mess, with a few whiplash injuries.