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Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - stuart
My C5 2l HDi has the worst rear suspension rattle I have heard from a Citroen,
The 'Fix' I am told is to attach a weight to the rear suspension. Anybody know anything about this problem ?.
Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - David W
No but I'm dying to hear more when you find out.

Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - richard turpin
Just a guess, but if the rubber bushes go, you do get the hell of a rattle. Cure is buy some new ones and fit or if you are a real bodge merchant (a REAL one mind you) get a bit of garden hose and use that instead. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get underneath and have a look.
Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - Honest John
So far two or three Telegraph readers complained of this direct, so it has been included in the car by car breakdown.

Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - John S

Hang on - this is a C5, so of hardly any age. Surely a job for the Citroen dealer under the warranty?


Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - stuart
Hi John
Thats where the problem is at the moment, with the Citroen dealer waiting for parts from Citroen to do a' fix', which is to attach weights to the rear suspension. Apparently, this is a known problem with C5s. I await the outcome with interest !.
Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - Honest John
Had yet another complaint about this today. Will cintact Citroen on Monday.

Re: Citroen C5 rear suspension rattle - stuart
Hi John
Further enquiries with the franchise dealer has revealed that the C5 suspension rattle is one of 9 recently recalls issued by Citroen to the dealers.
I have received this week, from Citroen, a notice of recall for a possible fault with the front wheel bearings that could lead to malfunction of the ABS. The other 8 recalls are classed as 'Quality issues'. I have experienced two of these quality issues, namely intermittent non-operation of the remote dead lock and waterpouring into the boot when the tailgate is raised after rain. ( a fault inherited from the Xantia and the Bx.)
What I cannot understand, is why Citroen have not notified C5 owners of all these recalls, perhaps they hope owners will just put up with these problems, thus saving Citroen having to examine and possibly rectify 100s of vehicles.
Hope you can shine some light on these issues.