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Vauxhall Adverts - Miller
Having seen quite a few of the new Vauxhall ads on billboards, bus shelters etc, there is one in particular I like - a picture of a number plate that reads IM 02 MAD. I think that sums up any new car driver perfectly!
Re: Vauxhall Adverts - Robert Major
This has been a theme of yours. BrianT posted this last week:-

Why are people mad if they don't think the same way as you?

I do wonder about any (---.cache.pol.co.uk) Don't like Ladas do you?

Re: Negative Postings & Buying New - David Withers
Yet more insults. These criticising postings do annoy me!

I speak as one who has never bought new in 42 years of motoring. However, as an early-retiree with some hard-earned savings, a grown-up family and no mortgage, I am now thinking of buying new once I have satisfied myself that the chosen car is likely to remain in my ownership for several years. I have run two 'quality' secondhand cars for 11 years apiece in the past and enjoyed them throughout so, if I can do this again with a new car, it should be a reasonable investment. Anyway, it's my money and it's my business what I do with it.

Let's have a bit more tolerance by some of the contributors(?) to this forum!
Re: Negative Postings & Buying New - Mazza
Hear hear DW.

I am about to take delivery of a 325ti compact (imported). I couldn't buy one second hand at the price I am paying so why shouldn't I have a new car, I work hard for my money.

Do any of you second hand stalwarts smoke, drink, buy designer clothes etc?

I bet you all have really exciting lives don't you!? You can't take it with you when you go!

I obviously must have more money than sense? (and no kids yet!).

I smell a hint of green in the air.
Re: Negative Postings & Buying New - Pat
After years of second hand cars, some good some not so good, I bought a new car (2000X). I'm not sure I'll ever buy another used car again, except perhaps for a sub-£500 banger. I intend to keep this motor (A4 TDi 115 SE) for at least 5 years and probably 10, with it becoming our second car at some point. At least I'll know its history! So depreciation is academic/notional to me.

How many people buy second hand TVs, stereos, clothes, computers, etc? What's the difference with cars? Over the years I've paid out approx £100-250 per month on bank loans for used cars. Now I pay the same for a brand new one but over a longer period. I look after my belongings, including cars, and barring a big prang (when I'd rather be in a new car anyway!) my Audi should look and feel the same in 5-10 years time.

Having said that, I am proud of keeping my 1990H MB 190E going at 199,000 miles. Great buy a few years ago, but to what extent was I just lucky?

Fantastic website. Toatlly addictive. Telegraph Motoring section tomorrow guys!

Re: Negative Postings on a Positive Website - Ronnie Courtney
"Fantastic website. Totallly addictive"

Pat - And so say all of us! There really is something here for everyone who is remotely interested in cars and, as so many people have said recently, no one is forced to read *every* message. The trouble is, so many unlikely looking initial "Subjects" develop along such absolutely fascinating and genuinely interesting lines, often with a twist in the tail, and frequentlywith some really good humour never far from the surface.

Re: Negative Postings on a Positive Website - Miller