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inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - ladas are slow
can someone (probably DW) please help me find the inhibitor switch for the automatic transmission, the haynes manual doesnt cover it.

many thanks in advance.

p.s its a 1987/88, Citroen BX 16TRS.
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - David W

I would happily tell you if I had the info to hand. The auto BX is by no means a bad car but I've been lucky to avoid any work on them.

I would guess it may be situated below the gear selector, under the carpet or perhaps under the car.

If you haven't found it by teatime or no-one else knows I'll wade through the gen Citroen workshop book and post later.

Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - tonyh
The inhibitor switch on my wifes 205 auto is situated towards the top of the gearbox. It has 4 or 5 wires to it perhaps covered with a plastic boot. When it lost the reversing lights cleaning the terminals cured it.HTH TonyH.
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - David W
Ok for those BX owners feeling inhibited tonight.

As Tony says the switch is combined with the reverse switch and should be located close to the point where the selector rod attaches to the lever on the autobox.

Quite near to the gearbox oil cooler.

Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - ladas are slow
many thanks DW, the problem was the car didnt start after a night out in the pub, so i had to call out the AA, and he said it was the inhibitor switch (i just hope it IS the inhibitor switch).
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - KB.
What was the car doing in the pub in the first place?
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - ladas are slow
i know that the car drinks more than me.
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - Andy Bairsto
My haynes book shows exactly were the switch is, having onced owned both a BX14 and 19gt I never through away manuals.
Re: inhibitor switch on a citroen BX. - ladas are slow
we have the manual that goes upto 1994, it was 'updated' in 1993 when i think haynes might have taken out some of the content.