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Caravan world speed record. - boost
I had to post this!

Hehe - 128.8 mph towing a caravan - I reckon I could beat that. Charlie can I borrow your M5 mate?


Its about a 600k download.

Re: Caravan world speed record. - Darcy Kitchin
Nice clip, but what has he got that are "this big"?
Re: this big - Andrew Smith
Balls I believe.

Previous (or current, were they successful?) record was held by a Dodge Viper by some other magazine.
I've towed a caravan once, using a Rover 213 and 55mph was the absolute tops. Doing more than twice that has got to be a experience.

Q. who was foolish enough to donate a caravan for this experience?
Re: Caravan world speed record. - boost
cohones (sp?) = balls
Re: Caravan world speed record. - Brill

El Stu.
Re: Caravan world speed record. - Rob Govier

A mate of mine went language teaching in Madrid.

He wondered why, when he wrote his name on the board, the students rolled around laughing...

His name?

C.C. Jones..

BTW, no-one has been offensive to caravan owners yet on this thread. What's going on??

Re: Caravan world speed record. - ian (cape town)
I was passed on the freeway last week by a bloke in a VW microbus, hauling a mansion of a caravan at about 150km/h...
Re: Caravan world speed record. - Darcy Kitchin
Yep, I mentioned caravans in the backroom once ... and I didn't get away with it.
Re: Caravan world speed record. - Rob Govier


...is there a problem, then....?

(puts on perm wig, false moustache and shell-suit..)

Re: Caravan world speed record. - Big Vern
Might try Horsey people instead of caravanners, they travel even slower (Caravans don't jump around and kick in protest of a harsh ride) and they usually have their head so far up their own ....... they don't notice when people are having a go at them. But then again where is the fun if they don't fight back?

P.s. I'm now hiding behind the sofa :-)

P.P.S anybody notice, was it a Cosworth or WRC pulling?
Re: Caravan world speed record. - RogerL
130 mph (ish) is about right for the power of a Dodge Viper. I don't know what the previous caravan record was but it was pulled by anm Aston Martin V8 (540bhp).

The reason non-caravanners (ie almost everyone) complains about caravans is that they have the aerodynamics of a house brick. The reason that caravan designers / manufacturers still live in the horse-drawn era is that NOT ENOUGH NON-CARAVANNERS COMPLAIN.

As a caravanner I can on buy what is on sale. I know that modern caravans are rubbish but what else can I do?
Re: Caravan world speed record. - Brian W
If you don'tmind a bit of messing about and aren't worried about all the mod-con gadgets you could go for a folding caravan.
Lower than the car, doesn't upset the neighbours when it is on the drive and so stable the danger is you forget that it is on the back and wonder who is tailgating you.
Re: Caravan world speed record. - boost
Rog - so you think it would take a viper to tow the van to 128mph?
It's one of the few attainable (car) records remaining.
Trying to talk an M5 owning mate into having a go (yeah right).
I'd be on the quick release cable to jettison the van if it starts slapping.
An X5 4.4 would walk it too.
I wonder if you have to stop with the van in one piece to qualify?
Re: Caravan world speed record. - RogerL
The M5 needs nearly 50% more power to attempt the Viper's record, you'd certainly need in excess of 550bhp because caravans absorb about 3 times the power that cars absorb in overcoming aerodynamic drag. I personally will attempt the caravan lap record at Silverstone when I win the lottery, but I'd use a Bentley Arnage as this also has the weight to keep a caravan under control through the bends.
Re: Caravan world speed record. - boost
The car in the video is an Escort Cossie which I doubt has 550bhp - more like 350 - I will try to find out. I like the Bentley idea but I think my post lottery attempt will be X5 (therefore mobile windbreak) powered with just a hint of nitrous.