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Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 1996 - John field
Traction Control and ABS warning lights on permanently. No problem with braking and connectors have recently been checked. Has anyone experienced this problem?. Car otherwise in very good condition, mileage 78000.
Re: Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 1996 - RogerL
Could be a problem with ABS sensors or their connections as these sensors drive the traction control.
Re: Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 1996 - Andrew
Two options here.

1. remove and meticulously clean sensors and the serated rings all round. Also
pull apart all the connections and ensure they are dry and clean.

2. Take to your friendly Vauxhall dealer and have a plug in tech test done
which should indicate where the problem is. But it is more than likely a
wheel sensor on the blink.

Mind you I did the first and the ABS light still came on occasionally. Had the system tech tested. No faults found, but never did it again. - Most strange!!!!!

Re: Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 1996 - David Hipkin
My 1996 Omega 2.5 V6 has similar fault except that the ABS and TC lights come on sometimes when activating the foot brake.sometimes two or three times per journey, sometimes not at all, have driven the car for three weeks with fault not appearing. Computor check shows no fault, even when lights are illuminating, just shows lights are on. Vauxhall suggests faulty foot brake switch.(Ihave not yet tried this). I you find a cure would be pleased to hear from you. I will do same if I do.
Re: Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 1996 - Richard Hall
Is it an automatic by any chance? There is a temperature sensor in the transmission that goes AWOL and causes the dash to light up like a Christmas tree with warning lights and messages. It's a well known fault, and a good auto transmission specialist should be able to advise. Cost of repair is less than £100 unless you go to Vauxhall, who will tell you to replace the transmission.