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Rally on C4 Tonight - Phil
Damn it was good! Got me really excited for the Monte tomorrow and the weekend.

An excellent format I thought - looks really promising.
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Richard Hall
I enjoyed it too. Plenty of explanation for people new to rallying, and some good in-car footage. I found it amusing that they 'bleeped' the words of a Spanish driver arguing with his co-driver - presumably he was swearing in Spanish....
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - David W
No doubt Mark will lip read it when he sees the tape.

Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Flat in Fifth
translation <*&^%$£ @#+=&*%%>
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - ian (cape town)
He was probably calling him a woman dentist ...
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Dave
Maybe he had a little sand in his....

Er.. praps not. ;-)
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - ian (cape town)
Gearbox, perchance?
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Rob Govier
scary seeing bits of tree trunk etc come through the windscreens on the in-car cameras during a prang. Should be required viewing for any learner drivers.

Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Phil
Only the difference is in a rally car with 5 point harness and full rollcage you survive. It is amazing the accidents they just walk away from.
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Dan J
Not sure if you saw my earlier link but:


is a fantastic bit of footage :o)
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight - Dave
Funniest bit is when he drives off!!!
Re: Rally on C4 Tonight programme 2 - Flat in Fifth
Another excellent show. Well done C4, keep it up.

Jeez when Mr Burns went off I thought "They think it's all over........"
More jam than Hartleys.

In my opinion he looked distinctly uncomfortable and well off the pace, at least a second a mile. Tommi looked far happier in the Scooby.