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oil changes. - Chris Eglinton

How often should I change the oil in a Nissan Micra if I purchase it from new.

Should I change both the oil and filter after the first 1000 miles, and then every 4500 miles which is twice the manufactorers recommendation.

Is is worth waiting for the new Micra to hit the Market place, and when this year will that be please.
Re: oil changes. - Chris
As your buying the car from new I guess you'll have the Manufacturer's warranty to keep so may well take it to a main dealer for the required servicing. That aside you should change the oil and filter every 6000 miles or six months. More often if the car is used for short journies.
Dunno when the new Micra is coming out, but normally a good time to buy a car is when a new model is immenent so the dealers are trying to get shot of the soon to be ceased model. So don't pay full wack for one..
Re: oil changes. - Chris Eglinton
Many thanks for getting back to me.
Re: oil changes. - ian (cape town)
Take advantage of the dealer's (usually free) first service, then go with the 4500 changes.
Other people have said that a 4500 oil-only change and then a 9000 oil and filter change might be a good idea - could be worth clarifying.
Re: oil changes. - Graham
By the time you have waited for the oil to drain you could have the filter done as well, for all the price of a filter, is this not false economy?? Then again whats the difference in price at the dealer for a oil & filter and a oil only change? Some I have seen dealers charge labour for the mechanic to wait at the parts dept, 1 more part to wait for, more labour!!!!!!!
Re: oil changes. - Honest John
Let the engine run to the first manufacturer scheduled oil change whether its 12 months or 12,500 miles or whatever. This allows the engine to wear a bit which it needs to do in order to bed in properly. After the first 12,500 miles or 12 months start changing the oil a lot more regularly. 5,000 - 6,000 miles or every six months, whichever comes first.

Re: oil changes. - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up Ltd.)
Yes yes yes yes and yes. And don't use a full synthetic until she hits 15-20k to allow it to bed in fully.