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Growler save my marriage please - Colin Standing
Two of my daughters are threatening to go back on the streets, all my grandchildren have disinherited me, my wife has placed a lump hammer by the P.C because I'm up all night checking on the back room, not knowing the time difference between here and wherever you are.

For the sake of the world's future, please read your 'Logical diagnosis and guessing' of 7.01 and my question of same date. I'm not going to copy it out because:

a. Idon't know how to do it
b. You can have the same d..m problems I am suffering
d.My wife is picking up the hammer

Yours in desperation

Colin Standing
Re: Growler save my marriage please - David W

I love Question Time when an MP is asked a difficult one and he replies "I'd like to answer that in three ways. Firstly............

You never hear the other two, they must be the real gritty answers.

You can't always give away every bit of your experience. Growler has perhaps made his money by knowing (b) and keeping it to himself.

Re: Growler save my marriage please - ChrisR
Couldn't be "Forgetting about the b...ding obvious" could it?

Re: Growler save my marriage please - Brian
To (b) or not to (b), that is the question. (Shakespeare)
Re: Growler save my marriage please - THe Growler
Dear Colin:

A further trap regularly fallen into is to confuse the symptoms of a problem with its cause(s), and your post provides a ready example of itself. A brief analysis from your short description therefore suggests that your family concerns are simply symptoms resulting from a deeper problem, that of the missing (b). (Although it must be interesting problem having grandchildren rich enough to make disinheriting you an issue: I always thought disinheriting went downwards not upwards).

The missing (b) is missing because it is a further element in problem-solving processes: that of testing a theory about a problem's cause in order to prove or disprove it. The Growlette is convinced one of my problems is nobody reads my posts. Through the scientific objective application of a small theory-based test, that of missing out the (b), we have now disproved her assertion to the extent that at least 3 people read one of the posts. THank you.

Another pitfall of problem-solving is that of having a bagful of unused solutions but no problems to fit them. This is as good a definition as any that I know of management consultants.

Motoring is replete with examples (many demonstrating that a solution can also be a problem in disguise): cameras in places where there haven't been any accidents, speed humps appearing from nowhere, the council having a surplus of 30 mph signs and needing a place to put them, hey let's start a thread along these lines........

Then we having beating a problem to death with excessive resources and needless waste, e.g. changing the transmission because some two-dollar item gave out, a lucrative pastime raised to the level of an art form by the automotive trade as we mall know.

Your final problem is easy to solve: I am 8 hours ahead of you in your winter time, 7 hours otherwise.

Oh, sorry, forgot...the (b). (b) is simply making the mistake of getting all worked up about a problem which doesn'tt matter anyway..............
Re: Growler save my marriage please - Mark (Brazil)
>>Another pitfall of problem-solving is that of having a bagful of unused solutions but no problems to fit them. This is as good a definition as any that I
>>know of management consultants.

OI !!! We get paid very well for that.
Re: Growler save my marriage please - Brill
Could your on-line therapy help Mark (B) with his Freelander obsession?
Re: Growler save my marriage please - THe Growler
Not only that....the profession creates a whole raison d'etre for Dilbert.
Re: Growler save my marriage please - Mark (Brazil)
THe Growler wrote:
> Not only that....the profession creates a whole raison d'etre
> for Dilbert.

Actually, I think Dilbert creates a raison d'etre for Mgmt. Consultants.
Re: Growler save my marriage please - THe Growler
I regret, if that's the word, knowing nothing much about Freelanders. I have looked at them however, and if I wanted something in that vein I'd buy the Honda CR-V. Much nicer. Growlette says they paint the LR that puke green color to hide the cow"""" on it on the farm. Perhaps that should be bull***t.

But I spent a long time in the Oz outback where your life can literally depend on your vehicle. Not too many LR's there....she's alright down to the beach with the boat mate, but yer need a frigging Landcruiser if you're going serious walkabout....
Re: Growler save my marriage please - Dwight Van-Driver
If your 8 hours ahead of us Growler be a sport. Lets have the winning six for Sat night please.