Ford Escort estate - Xileno {P}
Another hard up friend of mine needs to replace their old Nissan and he was wondering what an Escort estate would be like. Is this a good reliable workhorse like the Sierra I once drove? I would imagine servicing and repairs will be reasonable.
Xileno has been tasked with finding one; and probably paying for it as well...

Anyone running one now?
Ford Escort estate - MichaelR
You can do worse than an Escort Estate...

... actually wait, no you can't.

Depending on budget something like a Mondeo, 405, 406 Estate would be better. The Focus couldn't come soon enough as far as the Escort is concerned!
Ford Escort estate - DavidHM
Michael, you're being a little harsh. It wouldn't be top of my list by any means, but depending on age and budget, a good one could make a sound used buy but mainly on the principle that beggars can't be choosers... they're not the best car of the 1990s by a long shot (in fact, wouldn't win if they were transported back a decade) but if one is cheap and in good condition compared to other cars that are available and meet the basic needs, then why not?

Of course there's a big difference between not ruling one out and setting out to find one.
Ford Escort estate - Adam {P}
Agree with David but I would ask you are a little careful to listen for a tappety noise. I understand these use the CVH? engines which, when they tap, means something bad...

...or so I picked up when eavesdropping in on a conversation.