My other half, bless her, has just phoned to say she has put 10 letres of unleaded into our diesel Scenic, and then realising her mistake has filled it to the brim with diesel in the hope that it will be OK (Or not notice her mistake perhaps!)
The tank holds around 60lts when full, and it seems to be running so far - well she hasn't phoned to say "It's stopped working" yet.
Any thoughts about possible damage etc???
Thanks for your help in advence
Happens quite a lot and I dread it happening in our household since we now have a diesel and a petrol...
Ideally she should have not driven it and called the garage who would have drained the tank and refilled with diesel. But it has happened and I would suggest you take it along asap to have it drained out. There are so many things that might get damaged although your DTi is not quite as complex as the newer DCi diesels. Biggest concern is damage to the injector pump and the cat.
Easy to do I agree. Not as bad as the time she filled a petrol Micra up with diesel though :)
Sounds like time for a drain out and hope for the best?
I've seen it stated that running with up to 25% petrol mix in a diesel is OK. This is very common in colder climes where it stops the diesel from turning solid!
Have to hope for a cold snap then:)
Any idea where I might find that information?
Peugeot say you can run their diesels on 1/3 petrol or kerosene for winter use. You will have done no damage at all. Do not need to drain either. Just drive as normal. This information is in my official Peugeot handbook,so I believe it.
You need to know how much Diesel was put in with the petrol. Pardon me for saying so but yours is a relatively low tech diesel engine so will tolerate quite high levels of petrol in the diesel.
Just keep topping it up with diesel every time the tank drops by 1/4 for the 500 miles and dont thrash it and you will be fine.
Apart from what RF said..Possible slight loss of performance as need a little more accelerator on hills..Apart from that should be fine
Thanks everyone.
Seems to be running fine. Only about 8 lts in a toatl tank full of 60 lts, so not too high percentage. Will keep topping up and see what happens.