since doing untold work on my pug,cam belt change,water pump change,all bushes,power steering pump renewed,it dont start well from cold ,it starts after bout 5 mins of constant turning of the key,ive changed all the glowplugs(no luck ),it wants to turn over but it dont,help .....
Have you checked that the glow plug relay is working by checking for any voltage at the glow plugs, it should be the same as your battery.
Or are you sure you don't have an air leak into your fuel system, check by bleeding the pump before you try starting the engine from cold, looking for air bubbles.
And are you really sure your cam belt timing is correct??
thank you autumnboy for your reply,i think your right as when cam belt was changed,the mechanic replaced a fuel pipe that was leaking and also done the cambelt for me,so its either one of those 2 things isnt it,as it was first time starter before i took it the garage.
Did the work involve disconnecting the earth to the glowplugs? I have a Citroen diesel where the earth strap was not reconnected properly by the garage after a clutch change, and the engine wouldn't fire. I only discovered this after forking out for a new relay.........
cheers insect ill check the earth,s
ive checked earths,cleaned them all ,new battery terminals,got any excess air out the fuel system,changed the air filter,new battery,new glow plugs,voltage seems ok ,just noticed a weird sound coming out the ignition block near the key,when the key is turned to show glow plugs light it makes a sort of low noise static sound then goes away,this is new ,does think this is related to the jam jar not starting from cold,works fine when warm
What is the total current draw on all four glowplugs?
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had similar problem on my 405, found bad connxion on alternator, on cable to glow plug relay.