What the... - Dan J
...hell happened there?!
What the... - bugged {P}
godknows i thought it was my computer messing about!!!
What the... - Mark (RLBS)
Care to enlighten me as to what happened ?????
What the... - Brill {P}
The backroon disappeared.
What the... - Brill {P}
(so did the 'backroom') duh.
What the... - Dan J
The Discussion and Technical forums disappeared for about 5 minutes - very odd. Though perhaps one of you guys had temporarily suspended them because of some issue - obviously not!
What the... - Dan J
though = thought...
What the... - Brill {P}
If it helps, I was posting to a thread, and got the message
"This post belongs to an old archive" (or something similar).
What the... - hootie
and I was posting and got the message
"this thread belongs to a hidden forum" or something like that

The Back Room still showed up for me, just the Discussion boards disappeared

I thought someone had said something terrible too LOL

"Appearances can be Deceptive"
What the... - Mark (RLBS)
I don't know, and I'll check, but I suspect that nice Mr. Khoo is doing his best to solve our performance issues and that was him being industrious.

I'll find out and update you.

What the... - frostbite
I don't know, and I'll check, but I suspect that nice
Mr. Khoo is doing his best to solve our performance issues
and that was him being industrious.
I'll find out and update you.

It appears to have worked! Thankyou.
What the... - Dynamic Dave
Mark, It wasn't Steve. I temporarily took the Discussion and Technical Matters forums off line to perform *essential* maintenance.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
What the... - Nsar
That's a shame as I was going to write a cunning post ending with the line "because Mr Khoo's a Windows cleaner now".....

Oh, I did
What the... - J Bonington Jagworth
"Mr Khoo's a Windows cleaner.."

If only he could! Still, it's nice to have a rational explanation for the rather unsettling messages about the forum being hidden. I was beginning to think I'd been black-balled...
What the... - J Bonington Jagworth
I must add that it seems a lot quicker now. What did DD do, I wonder?