K'i't'c'h'e'n For Sale Swansea - cildern

K'i't'c'h'e'n For Sale Swansea. Thirty Ex Display K'i't'c'h'e'n's To Clear.

(Links removed but I'll leave the thread up as there have been some replies.)

Edited by Avant on 06/10/2014 at 22:51

K'i't'c'h'e'n For Sale Swansea - Trilogy

This is a car website. Perhaps you can't read. Suggest you go on a k****** forum site. LOL. Or ebay.

K'i't'c'h'e'n For Sale Swansea - mss1tw

Keeps coming up with ever more permutation of the word that cannot now be displayed.

Has this approach got you ANY sales?

Suggest we all call the phone number and arrange a visit to a non existant address.

K'i't'c'h'e'n For Sale Swansea - doctorchris

Everyone, please follow this advice form the above website.

"For a free Plan, Design And Quote

Give us a Call On 0203 0022 980"

Oddly a London number but they are selling k******s.