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Toyota Auris and Auris HSD - road noise - alhussar

My 2010 auris hybrid runs on michelin primacy hp r17 tyres. I love the car and agree with everything Honest John says in his road test. But road noise is intrusive. Do I have the right tyres?

Toyota Auris and Auris HSD - road noise - coopshere
Tyre noise is generally the bane of modern cars. They are much more refined now so engine, transmission and wind noise has been reduced on well engineered cars. This often means the loudest noise you hear is made by the tyres which can seem intrusive on some road surfaces.

Tyre choice has been made a little easier recently with the new ratings charts. You are now able to see the difference between tyres. See this site as an example of what is available: www.tyrereviews.co.uk/

I have a 2010 Toyota Avensis on 17" tyres and when looking to buy drove two identical cars except they had different tyres. On the Avensis the OEM choice seems to be either Brigestone or Goodyear. The car with the Goodyear tyres was much quieter than the other one.

If the tyres you have are due for replacement then try another make, though even using the guides there is no guarantee a different tyre will be much quieter.
Toyota Auris and Auris HSD - road noise - gordonbennet

You may not want to actually rectify this yourself but try and locate where the noise is coming from by getting down and listening whilst someone else id driving, pound to a penny its from the rear wheelarch/boot floor area, i expect like many mass produced cars there is no proper soundproofing over the rear wheelarches and the tyre noise is being amplified straight into the passenger cell, hatchbacks and estates more prone to this than saloons for obvious reasons.

Some relatively cheaply bought self adhesive soundproofing panels stuck to the painted bare metal and covered back up with the plastic trims will make a tremendous difference.

We disposed of Michelin Pilote's early due partly to dreadful road noise, replacement Vredestein Sportracs by no means silent were a big improvement on our C2 VTS, as was the aforesaid soundproofing.

Our recently purchased Outlander is on Michelins, thats noisy too but i haven't yet investigated a cure, grip is superb.

My own MB is now running on Federal Formoza FD2 tyres specifically chosen for silent running, yes they are quiet and roadholding is good but it must be said wet grip is not quite in the same league as the deafening Toyo T1R's that they replaced which stuck like the proverbial to a blanket.

If you want Michelin quality but quiet running then Nokian Z score highly in noise reviews as well as for grip.

Toyota Auris and Auris HSD - road noise - Keith Moat

Bear in mind, tyre noise ratings are for drive-by (outside) noise levels, not cabin levels.

Toyota Auris and Auris HSD - road noise - Hugh Watt

Have you been pondering that since 2013, Keith?