Car advert - cabsmanuk
As noted in one of yesterdays papers, the car advertised to the song of Space Oditty sung by D Bowie just falls short of the line 'Sitting in a tin can'. Hmmmmm...
Car advert - No Do$h
ROFLMAO Cabsman!

No Dosh ** Quick, talk motoring, Mark's coming! **
Car advert - Shigg
ROFLMAO....sorry what does this mean?

Car advert - Dynamic Dave
Rolls On The Floor Laughing My Donkey[1] Off

[1] Ass really, but didn't know if swear filter would get it.
Car advert - Dynamic Dave
[1] Ass really, but didn't know if swear filter would get it.

Hmm, it didn't. Just as well you don't laugh your S0dium off :o)