Peugeot 306 - external air temp sensor help.... - deeksydeeks

hi there, can someone pls help me? my clock in my car reads ---C the temp sensor is missing but wen we pulled the mirror out we only found what i cud describe a white block with no wiring coming out does anyone know how these are wired in to get them working please?? pug 306 1.4L 1998

Peugeot 306 - external air temp sensor help.... - Robin the Technician

Hi, on my 406 the sensor was located inside the passengers side mirror. If you tilted the glass to max you could just see it. Maybe on yours the mirror has been replaced at some time. The wires for mine were fed through where the mirror is screwed to the door. Unclip the inner cover to see the harness. See if theres anything plugged into it - you may just need a replacement sensor.

Hope this helps

Robin the Technician - I fix therefore I am.

Peugeot 306 - external air temp sensor help.... - deeksydeeks

I have a replacement sensor as there was nothing there on the car wen i bought it, the clock reads ---c there is a hole in the bottom of the mirror and the mirrors are manual so we are banging our heads on a brick wall lol. We took the mirror off to check for wiring and cant see anything, its supposed to be located underneath the n/s mirror like a nipple sticking out from under, There are no plugs inside the mirror to plug it in to so we are puzzled :(

Peugeot 306 - external air temp sensor help.... - Peter.N.

Sounds as though you will have to take the door panel off, the wiring should be there somewhere.

Peugeot 306 - external air temp sensor help.... - Robin the Technician

Agree with peter - take the door pad off and the plug should be in there somewhere. Maybe the previous owner replaced the mirror assembly and just pushed the wires inside the door.

Robin the Technician - I fix, therefore I am