Mercedes Motorhome - Belgian "accident" scam - david.h

In September last year I was notified by my insurer that I was involved in an "incident" on the Belgian motorway at a date & time that I was indeed on that motorway. I did not have any accident nor incident & my insurer is unable to get a Police report on this incident 7 months later. Meanwhile my file with insurers is marked "claim outstanding" and my premiums are uplifted as a result - It is no help to be told it will be refunded when it is all sorted out! The insurer - Equity Red Star - blame it all on Belgian Police inefficiency! Any advice or similar happening?

Mercedes Motorhome - Belgian "accident" scam - david.h
Mercedes Motorhome - Belgian "accident" scam - Avant

David - I think you meant to say more than this: you need to access the forum through Google Chrome or Firefox - or indeed anything but the idiotic and useless Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Edited by Avant on 20/01/2012 at 00:01

Mercedes Motorhome - Belgian "accident" scam - kevin67h