Ford Mondeo II - O/D light automatic transmission - mikeweathers

The "O/D NOT ON" light has started to flash and wont go out when the o/d button is pressed.

I detect slight signs of the gearbox slipping (or am I being paranoid because of the light?)

Is this the beginning of the end of the road for the gearbox (90,000 miles) or would a change of fluid be of benefit?

Thanks in

Ford Mondeo II - O/D light automatic transmission - pyruse

When was the transmission fluid last changed?

Ford Mondeo II - O/D light automatic transmission - mikeweathers

When was the transmission fluid last changed?

I suspect it has never been changed but it looks satisfactorily red.

There seems to be some controversy about changing the filter and indeed if there is a filter at all....what is the answer?

Regards mw