Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - misterp


Have noticed in this cold weather Car is getting harder to start. Recently serviced,new battery Jan 2009.

Has been taking 4-5 attempts in this extreme weather. I know last night was Very Cold, at least -10..possibly -15 where I live in the sticks in a bit of frost hollow.

Could not get going this morning tried intermittently 4-5 attempts per go, eventually got it started by holding throttle down. Do you think this is a battery, glow plug or just a pure waxing problem ..once it has started, it starts ok a bit later when warmed up a bit.

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - mickeybo

Get a voltage drop down test done on your starter assuming that your glow plugs are ok

if starter armature weak it draws to much current and takes current away from injectors

slows down cold srarting Hth Regards Mickeybo

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - Robin the Technician


You say it was recently serviced...what spec of oil was used. If it was 20w -50 then it would struggle to turn the engine over with the recent low temperatures. If this is the case, you may need to change it to a 5w -30 for the time being although its best to check the handbook for suitability.

Robin the Technician

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - madf

Toyota use 5-30 as standard now..across all engines.

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - misterp

I would'nt have known that , last time I enquired, all I remember was it was shell helix for diesels

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - madf

Do you get in and try to start it at once.?

My Yaris diesel normally starts first go but in this cold weather, I turn the key so the dash lights up and then I wait 3-5 secs for the glowpug warning sign # to go out before turning the key fully to start it.

# a croosed wire on a yellow ? light...

If I do not, it churns for 10 secs or so when it's -10C or worse.

So I just turn , wait , turn...

Edited by madf on 22/12/2010 at 15:01

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - misterp

I think your are always meant to wait for the glowplug light to go out before starting...I even tried adding a few extra seconds on. Today It started ok, at -1...not dabbing of the throttle required like the other day.

Incidentally I added some redex injector cleaner to a full tank a couple of weeks ago, and added 1/2 a tank of fuel back in since without any additional redex

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - madf

Was the new battery fitted by a dealer or by yourself. It may be under rated capacity in these weather conditions... sounds as if it's not up to snuff?

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - misterp

Just too that is how we all learn afterall !

The diagnostic at the dealer indicated Glow plugs, and reportedly 2 were completely useless and the others on the way out.

Ironically this latter part part of the xmas week marked a return to milder weather.

I am not convinced however the problem is completely resolved, the car now fires when totally cold after 3-4 turnovers, sometoimes a few more when there has been a slight frost ( which is as much as we have had)

I am wandering whether to electively change the battery rather than end up paying for another diagnostic and having the hassle of leaving the car at the I said before it is just coming up to 3 yrs old, but took a hammering with last year and this year so far ?? as was said somewhere, it was not a dealer fitted battery, and maybe it's just not up to performing as well now in cold weather

what would you do ?

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - madf

You can get any fast fit centre to test your battery for free.. (they hope to sell you a new one so try a reputable one)

A diesel needs a heavy duty battery and it is unusual for their battery fitted as OE to fail (my Yaris one is 7 years old, son's is 11 years old).

Go to one of the many battery sites


(just used as example )

and check the spec against what you have now.


If doing lots of short runs with lights wipers on, it is possible battery is not being charged enough.. Waht kind of usage do you do?

Edited by madf on 21/01/2011 at 09:05

Toyota Corolla d4d 2.0L 2003 - Struggling to cold start..Concern ?? - misterp

Cheers, as I said I electively changed the battery when the car was 5 yrs old, as my brother had been caught out with sudden battery failure on his diesel mondeo at a similar car age. The replacement battery fitted was a fast fit centre one, no idea what spec, just it had a 3 year gaurentee.. 3 years ago virtually to the date now..

I mainly do a commute to work and back 7.30 am/5pm a 13 mile journey that takes about 40 mins with about 20 minute scrawling, and a cuople of dual carridge way blasts.