VW polo 1996/7 - raves when clutch is down - hannahkate

When i come to a stop or changing gear my car raves when i place the clutch down and my foot is off the accerater.

Dose anyone have any ideas why this could be

VW polo 1996/7 - raves when clutch is down - Peter.N.

Sticking throttle cable?

VW polo 1996/7 - raves when clutch is down - hannahkate

i dont know how do i check it?

VW polo 1996/7 - raves when clutch is down - hannahkate

it just seems odd that its not all the time only when i place the clutch down.

VW polo 1996/7 - raves when clutch is down - Peter.N.

Can you give a few more details, has it suddenly started? it only does it when the clutch is down? Perfectly OK at all other times?