Mimsers or slinkers? - L'escargot
A teenage relative of mine has informed me that the word mimser is well out-of-date. He tells me that all the young cool dudes now refer to slinkers and slinking.
Mimsers or slinkers? - rtj70
This thread is heading down hill and a lot of posts got removed along with the ones that needed removing. Sorry for that. But removing only those that needed to be would be too time consuming and difficult.

So start again and please no insulting or derogatory posts.


Edited by rtj70 on 10/12/2009 at 18:11

Mimsers or slinkers? - L'escargot
Never mind about a dictionary definition of slink. I'm talking about the meaning it's used to convey in modern slang or street language by the young cool dudes out there. I intend to keep up with the times and refer to slinkers. All you behind-the-times fuddy duddies can continue to refer to mimsers if you want.
Mimsers or slinkers? - John F
Wot's the mtrng connxn,dude?
Mimsers or slinkers? - Cliff Pope
I think you are already out of date. I consulted my two daughters (13 and 16) and they say slinkers went out about 100 years ago. The current word is they say too rude for my sensitive ears, and certainly for a family motoring forum.
Mimsers or slinkers? - L'escargot
.......... daughters (13 and
16) ........... say slinkers went out about 100 years ago.

Where did they learn that? History lesson or from a great-grandparent?