Free Test Drive over the weekend - paul2007
I have never owned a jeep type car in the uk - but driven several in the usa.

As you know, roads are usually wider so easier to drive. Here in the uk, I've only had saloons - the biggest was a bmw 5 & now drive a merc c class.
So i want to get the feel of the car & ensure it is the right choice- d you think jeep would give me a car for the weekend?

Edited by Pugugly on 03/09/2009 at 22:12

Free Test Drie over the weekend - BobbyG
How does the Jeep compare in size to the BMW or C Class?
Free Test Drie over the weekend - paul2007
Length is no big deal. Howev er, as the jeep is more square, higher and abut 3" wider - you get the impression that it is massive - but not in the usa - also body roll.
So i want to know how it feels before selling up my merc 07 plate.

I may call local jeep tomorrow - they cav keep my car for the weekevd