broken database - adverse camber
Im getting this message at the bottom of the page

Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT ip FROM ip_log WHERE ip = '????'
MySQL Error: 145 (Table './honestjohn_db/ip_log' is marked as crashed and should be repaired)

I've replaced my ip with ???
broken database - smokie
Thanks for the tip off.

I've done some testing and it appears to happen only when adding a post, and I don't think it has any adverse effect on visible operation. I've notified the database people but they may not resolve the problem until tomorrow.
broken database - Lud
I am getting the same message at bottom left. Doesn't seem to have any untoward effects, it's just there.

Edited by Lud on 19/04/2009 at 11:57

broken database - harry m
i got the same but only on the home page which i only get the blue and black lines at top of page which always happens,only since the last forum upgrade.

Edited by harry m on 19/04/2009 at 12:19

broken database - Stephen

Should be fixed now.

Stephen Khoo